Elite Physique The New Science of Building a Better Body

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Nutrition for Muscle Growth or Fat Loss


• Three-quarters of a cup of cooked rice

• One large baked potato

• One large sweet potato

After a workout, your body quickly reverts to burning a higher percentage

of fat. The carbohydrate you eat is likely to be used to replace glycogen in your

muscles and liver. It doesn’t really matter how soon you eat that carbohydrate.

As long as you aren’t starving yourself, 24 hours is plenty of time to refuel your

muscles for the next workout.

Carbohydrate foods are tricky for fat loss. Since they’re not essential, it’s

easiest to just minimize them to keep your overall calories down and better

manage insulin. In most cases, my patients who are trying to lose fat limit their

carbohydrate intake to preworkout nutrition. The other meals consist of healthy

protein, fat, and cruciferous vegetables. Berries work well for fat loss since they’re

high in nutrients and low in carbohydrate. One cup of raspberries has 5 grams

of carbohydrate compared with one cup of banana or pineapple, which has 24

and 20 grams, respectively. For gaining muscle, carbohydrate helps a lot. The

following sources add high-quality calories that provide additional nutrients to

support growth and repair:

• Organic white or brown rice

• Organic white or sweet potato or yam

• Any organic whole fruits (not juices)

• Organic oatmeal

• Organic quinoa

• Organic Ezekiel bread

• Any organic berries (usually for a fat-loss plan)

It is likely that people who are significantly overweight or have difficulty losing

weight have insulin resistance or leptin resistance. Insulin resistance is very similar

to type II diabetes (Petersen and Shulman 2018). You have too much blood

glucose and too much insulin at the same time, causing chronic inflammation

and a resistance to fat loss (Wu and Ballantyne 2017). Leptin resistance means

your body is telling you it’s starving when it’s really not, which causes excessive

food intake that worsens the problem even more (Liu et al. 2018). Following a

low-carbohydrate diet is an effective strategy for overcoming insulin resistance,

and maybe it will help with leptin resistance as well (Liu et al. 2018; Westman

et al. 2018). That is why the nutrition plan for fat loss in this book consists of

around 50 grams of carbohydrate per day. But for muscle gain, there are many

benefits to increasing your carbohydrate intake well beyond that. For decades

professional bodybuilders have consumed up to 60 percent of their calories from

carbohydrate to build muscle with minimal fat gain. The tricky part of that plan

is keeping your fat to 10 percent of calories per day since the other 30 percent

should be protein.

Finally, avoid consuming fruit juices of any kind, even tart cherry juice, outside

of your preworkout nutrition. Fruit juices have been stripped of many of their

nutrients, including fiber, which drastically increases their rate of absorption,

elevating your blood glucose too quickly.

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