Elite Physique The New Science of Building a Better Body

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Muscle-Building Programs


true for more advanced lifters who are more easily overtrained. So, simply put,

when following a DUP structure, your exercises, volume, and intensity fluctuate

with each workout throughout the week. The DUP structure has been shown to

be superior for building muscle and strength, compared with linear periodization

structures that don’t change parameters as often (Miranda et al. 2011; Simao et

al. 2012). Regardless of the research, most people prefer some level of variety in

their training throughout the week.

The programs should be done three times per week and completed within a

seven-day cycle in the following recommended order:

1. Workout A

2. Workout B after 48 to 72 hours

3. Workout C after 48 to 72 hours

However, research does indicate that you can change the order of these DUP

workouts and achieve the same results (Colquhoun et al. 2017). Also, we know

life is unpredictable. So, let’s say you did workout A on Monday and workout

B on Wednesday. You were scheduled to perform workout C on Friday, but a

family emergency happened that will keep you from training until the following

Monday. When that happens, simply pick up where you left off in the program

and continue. In other words, perform workout C on Monday and then workout

A on Wednesday. Finally, if you prefer to take no more than one day off between

each workout, that works perfectly well and will allow you to fit more workouts

in each month.

As a general rule, avoid reaching momentary muscular failure, except on the

final set. For the sake of convenience and simplicity, the workouts are intended

to have you train with a constant load for all sets. Therefore, it is best to underestimate

the load in the early stages of a plan and then adjust accordingly. There

is nothing wrong with the first few sets being moderately easy, as long as the last

set or two are challenging. In other words, the ideal load is one that allows you

to perform all the recommended repetitions with perfect form, and then when

fatigue accumulates toward the end of the workout, is challenging enough to

push you close to, or to, momentary muscular failure on the last set.

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