Elite Physique The New Science of Building a Better Body

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14 Elite Physique

Endurance Strength

There are typically two ways to describe endurance. One on hand, it’s the ability

to complete an hour-long hike at a pretty good clip with your buddy. That task

requires your cardiorespiratory fitness to be up to par, which we just covered.

On the other hand, the ability to do, say, 20 squats with 50 percent of your body

weight also requires endurance. Since that type of challenge requires more

strength and doesn’t rely as heavily on cardiorespiratory fitness, it is referred

to as endurance strength or muscular endurance. For example, a guy might be

able to run three miles (4.8 km) at a 6-minute-mile pace, which would be a sign

of terrific cardiorespiratory fitness, but he might not be strong enough to carry

a 100-pound (45 kg) dumbbell in each hand for 30 seconds, indicating poor fullbody

endurance strength.

Also, it is likely you’ve had a buddy challenge you to a push-up contest at

one time or another. If he was willing enough to challenge you to this test of

endurance strength, it’s also likely he could do more than 12 of them with perfect

form. Indeed, the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA)

recommends performing more than 12 repetitions per set to build endurance

strength. In other words, if you’re working against resistance—in the form of

either body weight or weights—it is necessary to complete at least 12 repetitions

of that load before you stop.

Here, we cover four ways to test your endurance strength, ranging from upper

body to lower body to full-body challenges.

Push-Up to Exhaustion

For this endurance strength assessment, you will perform push-ups through a full

range of motion to exhaustion. This assesses endurance strength of the pectorals,

triceps, deltoids, rotator cuff, and abdominals. The goal is to complete 40 push-ups

before failure. According to research by Harvard University, being able to perform

at least 40 push-ups is associated with a significant reduction in cardiovascular

disease over the subsequent 10 years (Yang, Christophi, et al. 2019).

To perform this assessment, begin in the top position of a push-up, with your

hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and directly below your chest (see

figure 1.11a). Lower until your chest touches the ground while keeping your body

perfectly straight from neck to ankles (see figure 1.11b). Push your body up to the

starting position until your arms are completely straight. Repeat for a maximum

number of repetitions.

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