Elite Physique The New Science of Building a Better Body

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252 Elite Physique

Variety is an important aspect of training to minimize joint stress when using

heavy loads. That is why the full-body workouts in this book rotate between

different exercises and repetitions. For targeted HFT plans, however, I’ve found

that you can perform the same exercise for months at a time without impairing

your results. These quick sets are simply intended to activate and fatigue the

muscle so it will grow. Since all of the exercises we’re about to cover accomplish

that goal with minimal joint stress, no other variety is necessary. You will get all

the variety you need by performing your sets in more challenging ways as you

get stronger, which we cover later in this chapter. For now, the recommended

exercises are shown in table 10.1.

TABLE 10.1 Recommended Exercises for HFT Targeted Plans

Targeted body part HFT exercise Page

Calves One-leg calf raise 107

Quadriceps Split squat 78

Hamstrings Slider leg curl 103

Glutes Standing fire hydrant 105

Pectoralis major One-arm band fly 196

Latissimus dorsi (lats) Straight one-arm lat pull-down 159

Upper back One-arm band face pull 149

Middle deltoid One-arm lateral raise 198

Upper trapezius One-arm band shrug 199

Biceps One-arm band biceps curl 191

Triceps One-arm band triceps press-down 195

Forearms One-arm wrist extension and flexion 200

Next, we cover strategies for getting the most out of your HFT sessions in minimal

time. In the early days of my HFT protocols, I would have my clients train

their lagging muscle groups each day, which I later discovered was unnecessary

and, in some cases, impractical if any equipment was required. Since then, I’ve

codified a simpler plan to help you grow where you need it most.

Frequency: three days on, one day off

For many years I had clients perform one set in the morning and evening hours,

six days in a row, followed by a day of rest. After accumulating much data I’ve

found that three days on and then resting every fourth day not only produces

similar results but in some cases accelerates muscle growth. To be clear, your

rest day from an HFT targeted plan might fall on a day you perform full-body

training, so it won’t necessarily be a complete rest day.

Timing of the sets: 8 to 12 hours apart

On the days of your HFT targeted plan you’ll perform two sets, each one spaced 8

to 12 hours apart. Ideally, the sets will always be 12 hours apart, such as 8:00 a.m.

and 8:00 p.m., since that allows for the most recovery, but that can be impractical

at times. As long as you rest at least 8 hours between HFT sessions, you will reap

the benefits, even if you perform a full-body workout during that break.

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