Elite Physique The New Science of Building a Better Body

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Lower Body Training

When it comes to physical development, few things are as visually impressive

as a muscular lower body. When you see big glutes, thighs, and calves on a guy

it just screams “power!” In this chapter we cover a vast array of exercises and

progressions that focus primarily on the lower body muscles. In many cases,

the exercises will also work the core and upper back, making the exercises more

full-body in nature, which translates to the physical demands of life and sport.

You will learn the principles for choosing appropriate lower body exercises. We

cover variations that work for novice to advanced lifters, as well as joint-friendly

training options for readers whose bodies have a little more mileage on them. By

the end of this chapter, you should have a thorough understanding of ways to

increase the size and strength of the lower body, as well as a myriad of progressions

that can suit all levels of the fitness spectrum.

Development of Lower Body Musculature

Let’s start with a fact: Exercises that target the lower body musculature are not

easy. It requires a lot of effort and focus to do them correctly because exercises

such as the squat and deadlift simultaneously work hundreds of muscle groups,

including your largest ones (i.e., glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps). This is

especially true when training with a challenging load. That is why guys often

like to skip “leg day” when they’re feeling a bit run down. However, the muscles

throughout your legs, hips, and pelvis need to be big and strong to build a body

that performs as well as it looks.

Your power comes from your hips and pelvis. When you think of an explosive

athlete, it’s likely you picture a running back sprinting through defenders

or a powerlifter pulling a deadlift that’s triple his body weight. You might think

of an MMA fighter who throws a powerful roundhouse kick. Even the ability

to throw a hard knockout punch comes from the hips. Imagine a right-handed

puncher standing in a split stance with his left leg forward and right leg behind

him. He pushes off his right foot, which generates force that travels up through

his hips, trunk, and shoulders and then culminates when his right fist lands on


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