Elite Physique The New Science of Building a Better Body

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Assess to Impress


the trunk during the movement to ensure the lats get sufficient activation. The

strength goal is a 1RM of approximately 140 percent of body weight, calculated

by the 2RM, 3RM, or 5RM test. If testing a one-arm row variation, use half the

recommended percentage.

Vertical Push

A vertical push, such as a military press or dumbbell shoulder press, primarily

challenges muscles that upwardly rotate the scapulae, abduct the shoulders,

and extend the elbows. When the exercise is performed standing, it requires

sufficient stability strength of the trunk and hips. Having adequate strength in

these muscles increases overhead strength and stability, as well as upper body

pushing and punching power.

First, choose a standing vertical push exercise since it’s a better indicator of

the full-body stability necessary to press a load overhead. The barbell standing

overhead press is a common exercise to test. However, many athletes find the

dumbbell overhead press easier on the shoulders since it allows the wrists to

move freely. Furthermore, a split stance provides more stability, which can be

useful when determining the actual strength of the muscles that perform a vertical

push. It’s also less stressful on the shoulder because of the position of the rib

cage. Therefore, one ideal exercise to test is the split-stance one-arm overhead

press using a dumbbell since it will have a greater range of loads to choose from.

In terms of strength goals, for the standing barbell overhead press, aim for a

1RM of approximately 80 percent of body weight, calculated by the 2RM, 3RM,

or 5RM test. For the split-stance one-arm overhead press, aim for half that since

just one dumbbell is being used. So it’s a 1RM of 40 percent of body weight. For

example, a 200-pound (91 kg) male should have a calculated 1RM of approximately

80 pounds (36 kg) for the split-stance one-arm overhead press for each

side, which equates to a 5RM of around 70 pounds (32 kg).

Vertical Pull

A vertical pull, such as a pull-up or lat pull-down, primarily challenges muscles

that downwardly rotate the scapulae, adduct the shoulders, and flex the elbows.

Having adequate strength in the upper back increases upper body pulling power

as well as stability of the shoulder complex.

Earlier it was mentioned that it’s a good idea to aim for a balance of strength

between a horizontal push and pull. But that balance doesn’t carry over between

a vertical push and pull. The reason is that a vertical pull engages significantly

more muscle mass, making it a naturally stronger movement than a vertical push.

If you have sufficient strength to do a pull-up, the hammer-grip version works

well for most people since it’s typically easier on the shoulders and wrists. If you

don’t have the strength to do a pull-up, a hammer-grip lat pull-down with the hands

shoulder-width apart is recommended. The strength goal is a 1RM of approximately

140 percent of body weight for males calculated by the 2RM, 3RM, or 5RM test.

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