Elite Physique The New Science of Building a Better Body

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Kettlebell Bent-Over Row


The traditional bent-over row is usually performed with a barbell using an overhand grip.

However, people often use excessive load and poor form, which places strain on the

lumbar discs. Here you’ll use a single kettlebell, providing three benefits. First, you pull

it from between your legs instead of in front of the knees, decreasing stress on your low

back. Second, since it’s only one kettlebell, it’s less likely to be too heavy to row with

proper form. Third, holding the kettlebell by the horns is great for building your biceps.


1. Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width while holding a kettlebell

by the horns, down in front at arm’s length (see figure a). Push your hips back,

slightly bend your knees, and shift your trunk forward until it’s 45 degrees relative

to the ground. Slightly arch your low back.

2. Squeeze your glutes, brace your abs, and then bend your elbows and pull the

kettlebell, without shrugging your shoulders, until it touches your midsection

(see figure b).

3. Lower under control and repeat.




• Using a kettlebell emphasizes development of the biceps while strengthening

the upper back.

• This is a good row variation for people who don’t have many kettlebells.


If you feel strain in your low back, elevate your trunk to a slightly more vertical position.


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