Elite Physique The New Science of Building a Better Body

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Muscle Rules


softball game in your summer league. In any case, make a point to spend at least

a few minutes performing each category of exercise, and avoid accumulating any

fatigue. Now that we’ve covered the key components of a dynamic warm-up,

let’s move on and discuss ways to structure your workouts.

Training Equipment and Workout Structure

Everyone benefits from training efficiently, from a guy who might have only 30

minutes of available workout time to an athlete who needs to devote many hours

throughout the week to practicing his sport. Therefore, it is often wise to choose

exercises and workouts that stimulate the largest number of muscles with the

fewest exercises possible. In this section we cover those options.

Free Weights Versus Machines

If you walk into any major gym you’ll likely see a combination of free weights and

exercise machines. Generally speaking, resistance that’s free of any restrictions

is recommended for two reasons. First, an unrestricted load allows the joints to

move freely, reducing stress to those vulnerable tissues. Second, a dumbbell or

kettlebell requires greater muscle activation since it requires control in all three

movement planes. Indeed, it takes more skill to perform a barbell squat than a

squat on a Smith machine, which fixes the barbell in one plane. Movement in life

and sport requires stability and coordination in all three planes, which is why

many coaches favor free weights over machines. Because free weights require

greater activation of stabilizer muscles, such as the rotator cuff when pressing

a dumbbell overhead, they theoretically have a better transfer to life and sport.

Here are some of the most popular forms of external loading that allow unrestricted

joint motion:

• Dumbbell

• Kettlebell

• Barbell

• Cable or band

• Sled

• Medicine ball

• Sandbag

• Weighted vest

• Large tire

In some cases, however, a body weight load is sufficient to provide resistance.

This is especially true for exercises such as the pull-up, dip, handstand push-up,

and one-leg squat. With a little ingenuity, virtually any movement or muscle

group can be strengthened using nothing but body weight for resistance. And

using gymnastics rings is another way to make any upper body exercise more

challenging. For example, performing a push-up from rings requires more muscle

and neural activation than performing it with your hands on the ground. One

caveat here: Avoid making an exercise so unstable that your training load must

be drastically reduced, thus limiting your strength gains.

Exercise machines can be useful to an athlete or the general population, and

many companies these days are building versions that are much more jointfriendly

than in decades past. Just keep in mind the goal of the exercise is to determine

if a machine or free weight is a better option. When training efficiency is the

goal, a free weight is often the better choice since it stimulates more motor units.

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