Elite Physique The New Science of Building a Better Body

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Barbell Back Squat (continued)


3. Push your hips back and lower yourself as far as you can while keeping your

lower back in its natural arch (see figure c).

4. Push back to the starting position and repeat.


The barbell back squat has functional carryover to virtually any sport or full-body activity.


• The weight must stay over the middle of the foot; if it’s farther forward, over the

toes, this compromises balance and places excess strain on the lower back

and knees. Have a partner observe you from the side to make sure the load is

properly aligned.

• Athletes with longer femurs will typically achieve better form with a wider stance

and toes angled out up to about 45 degrees.

• Pay attention to your neck and chin. If you tend to bend your head back, make

a double chin; that will keep your neck aligned and put you in a stronger overall


• To make any two-leg squat or deadlift variation even better, wear a resistance

band around your lower thighs. The resistance of the band activates additional

gluteal fibers, which promotes athleticism while reducing knee pain.


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