Elite Physique The New Science of Building a Better Body

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Muscle Builder 3 (MB3)

The MB3 program requires the least equipment in this chapter, prioritizing your

body weight. Body weight training can be an excellent way to build size and strength

in virtually any major muscle group, and this program will progress through more

challenging variations over the course of 12 weeks. The only aspect that body

weight training misses is an exercise to strengthen your posterior chain (i.e., low

back). Therefore, a kettlebell is necessary to perform swings and variations of a

one-leg deadlift. You will see some unusual exercises, such as a kettlebell bentover

row to build your biceps, and push-ups off a Swiss ball to build your triceps.

And a band is necessary to strengthen the rotator cuff and add variety to the

program, as well as a Swiss ball to strengthen the abdominals and hamstrings.

Since a range of loads isn’t possible, most of the sets are performed for as

many repetitions as possible (AMRAP). For the appropriate exercises you will see

progressions that require you to hold the peak contraction of each repetition to

increase muscle stimulation.

This workout will likely require some creativity, based on how heavy your kettlebell

is (or dumbbells if you prefer). For example, a kettlebell you’re using might be too

heavy to perform certain exercises through a full range of motion. Ideally, you will

be able to perform at least five repetitions where you see AMRAP programmed.

If necessary, perform repetitions through a partial range of motion for more challenging

exercises to fulfill that recommendation.

For exercises that work one arm or one leg at a time, there is no recommended

rest period before switching sides. Take as much or as little time as you want.

Always start with your weakest side first.


One moderately heavy kettlebell (or dumbbells)

Long resistance band

Swiss ball


Exercise or rest Reps/time Page

1a. One-arm row AMRAP 146

Rest 45 sec

1b. Inverted push-up AMRAP 182

Rest 45 sec

1c. Pallof press 20 sec each side 125

Rest 30 sec

1d. Lateral lunge AMRAP each side 86

Rest 60 sec; perform exercises 1a-1d for 5 rounds

2a. One-leg calf raise AMRAP each side 107

Rest 30 sec

2b. Hand walkout AMRAP 118

Rest 45 sec; perform exercises 2a-2b for 3 rounds

AMRAP = as many repetitions as possible


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