Elite Physique The New Science of Building a Better Body

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Feet-Elevated Inverted Row

This version of the inverted row provides a simple body weight progression. By elevating

your heels on a box or bench, you will pull a greater proportion of your body weight

vertically. This exercise is also a great way to build your biceps.


1. Use rings or straps for this exercise, and start by getting the height correct.

Lie on your back with your arms extended above your chest and fingers fully

extended. Adjust the rings or straps so they hang at a height that’s the same

as the tips of your fingers.

2. Grab the handles and start with your arms fully extended, palms facing each other

and shoulder blades separated. Rest your heels on a box or bench with your legs

straight (see figure a). Your body should make a straight line from neck to ankles.

3. Squeeze your glutes, make a double chin, and then pull your body as one unit

while keeping your elbows close to your sides without shrugging your shoulders

(see figure b).

4. Slowly reverse the motion and repeat.





Elevation provides a simple body weight loading progression for the inverted row.


• For variety, hold your hands in different positions from workout to workout or

month to month. Rotate between your palms facing in, facing up, or facing down.

• This exercise can also be performed with a straight bar resting on the hooks in

a power rack.


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