Elite Physique The New Science of Building a Better Body

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Bulgarian Split Squat

The Bulgarian split squat (also known as a rear-foot-elevated split squat, or RFESS) is

a progression from the standard split squat. In this version, your rear foot is elevated,

which requires the front leg to work harder during each repetition. An added benefit is

that it puts the quadriceps of the elevated leg in a stretch position to increase hip




1. Hold a weight in each hand at arm’s

length, and set the toes or instep of

one foot on a bench, box, or step (see

figure a).

2. Lower yourself until your front thigh is

more or less parallel to the floor (see

figure b).

3. Push back up to the starting position

for recommended reps, and then repeat

with your opposite leg in front.


• This variation focuses work on the quadriceps

of the forward leg, making it a

potent muscle-building exercise.

• It increases flexibility of the hip flexors

of the leg that’s elevated.



The higher the box, the more the lifter will tend

to lean forward at the hips, usually in alignment

with the thigh of the trailing leg. As with split

squats, that leg–torso angle will be more vertical

with taller athletes and more diagonal with

those who have shorter legs. This means your

posture might be different from your training

partner’s, and that’s okay.



• Inexperienced lifters: Start with a low

step, six to eight inches (15-20 cm),

and look to get a full range of motion using body weight only before adding load.

• More advanced lifters: Progress to a higher box or bench. As you do, make sure

to rest the instep of the trailing leg on the box rather than the toes.

• To add balance and stability challenges, rest the toes of the trailing leg on a

medicine ball, or set the foot of the trailing leg in the loop of a suspension trainer.


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