Elite Physique The New Science of Building a Better Body

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Zercher Squat


The Zercher squat is named after the late strongman Ed Zercher. Holding a barbell or

sandbag in the crooks of your elbows is useful for a wide variety of exercises including

the split squat, lunge, and walking.


1. Place a barbell on the pins in a power rack at a height just below your elbows.

Dip underneath the bar and position it in the crooks of your elbows, with your

arms bent and palms facing you. Lift it off the rack, step back, and position your

feet about shoulder-width apart, toes forward or pointed out slightly (see figure

a). Wear long sleeves to minimize skin irritation.

2. Push your hips back and lower yourself as far as you can while keeping your

lower back in its natural arch (see figure b).

3. Push back to the starting position and repeat.




• This variation works more upper back muscles than the back squat, as well as

the biceps.

• It works well for people who lack the wrist mobility that’s necessary for a front


• The Zercher barbell position can be used for a wide variety of exercises including

the split squat and lunge variations.



• For most lifters, the goal is to lower until the elbows touch the tops of the thighs.

• Keep your chest held high, knees wide, and shoulder blades pulled together.

• A power rack with the pins set at an appropriate height is necessary to prevent

low back strain while removing the barbell after each set.

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