Elite Physique The New Science of Building a Better Body

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10 Elite Physique

Spine and Hip Rotation

At this point we’ve looked at how the spine and hips flex or extend. Now it’s

time to look at how those joints rotate. Being able to rotate your body is important

for everything from throwing a baseball or punch to reaching for your seatbelt.

Sufficient mobility of trunk and hip rotators is important to prevent low back

pain (Masharawi, Haj, and Weisman 2020; Roach et al. 2015).

Multisegmental Rotation Assessment

This test assesses the mobility of the muscles that

rotate the trunk and hips and the rotational mobility

of the spine, pelvis, and hips.

Ask someone to take a photo of you from the back

(at the end range of movement) while you perform this

test. Stand with your feet together and toes pointed

straight ahead. Rotate your trunk to the right as far

as possible, as if you’re trying to look over your right

shoulder (see figure 1.8). Repeat by rotating your

trunk to the left as far as possible.

The goal is to rotate far enough so your opposite

shoulder can be seen from the rear view. So if you’re

rotating to the right, your partner standing behind you

should be able to see the front of your left shoulder.

If you did not pass on one or both sides, get some

soft tissue work on the trunk and hip rotators until

you pass.

FIGURE 1.8 Multisegmental

rotation correct form.

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