Elite Physique The New Science of Building a Better Body

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248 Elite Physique

Final Thoughts

It’s likely the resistance training programs in this chapter have longer rest periods

than you’ve seen in many other fat-loss workouts. Complexes, for example,

are often programmed with the intention of burning fat since they force you to

transition between exercises without rest. Conversely, the resistance sessions

covered have rest periods that allow for full recovery before repeating a lift. The

goal is to stimulate muscle and strength gains with the lowest volume possible,

even though it will be difficult to build either when you’re in a caloric deficit. In

other words, these resistance workouts are not intended to ramp up your heart

rate to stimulate fat loss. That’s what the LISS and HIIT sessions are for.

Finally, the resistance programs in this chapter are designed to equally stimulate

all your major muscle groups with three workouts per week. For some of

you, a higher frequency will be necessary for lagging muscle groups. So in the

next chapter, we cover how you can train a body part or two more frequently,

even when your primary goal is fat loss.

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