Elite Physique The New Science of Building a Better Body

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20 Elite Physique

First, some of the programs in this book use percentages of your 1RM to determine

how much load you should put on the bar in each workout. Therefore, you’ll

need to know your 1RM to get those training loads dialed in correctly. Second, it’s

helpful to calculate 1RM because it’s not easy to determine whether your maximal

strength is increasing when you’re using submaximal loads, which you’ll be

using for virtually every workout. Last month you were using 60-pound (27 kg)

dumbbells for 8 reps; this month you’re lifting 50-pound (22 kg) dumbbells for

13 reps. Did you get stronger? You won’t know unless you have a good formula.

The most precise way to determine maximal strength is with a 1RM test, which

you would rate as 10 on the Borg CR10 scale for a single repetition. A 1RM test,

however, can be risky, time consuming, and exhausting. There are simpler, faster,

and easier ways to determine your 1RM without overly taxing your mettle and

joint integrity, as we cover shortly. For now, just know that a 1RM test is usually

unnecessary. But if you decide to use it, stick with exercises that require little

skill, such as a pin press, one-arm row, or lat pull-down. Avoid 1RM testing for

complex lifts such as Olympic lifts, or exercises that put a lot of strain on the

spine, such as a squat, deadlift, and standing overhead press, unless you’re an

advanced athlete who has been attempting maximal lifts for many years.

Table 1.1 represents the minimum number of steps before performing a maximal

strength test. Perform at least three warm-up sets of two reps (3 × 2) with

progressively heavier loads that correspond with the proper RPE. If you feel you

need additional warm-up sets, perform as many as necessary. Your RPEs can vary

slightly from what was just covered. What is important is that your RPE progressively

increases and ends around 8 with your last warm-up set. If additional

maximal-load attempts are necessary, rest at least 5 minutes in between. Never

compromise your form in order to lift a heavier load, and avoid psychological

stimulation. The recommended steps are as follows:

• Set 1: The first set should be with a load you rate as moderate, or an RPE of

4 or 5 on the Borg CR10 scale, followed by 1 minute of rest.

• Set 2: The second set should be rated 6 or 7, followed by 3 minutes of rest.

• Set 3: The third set should be approximately an 8, followed by 5 minutes

of rest.

• Set 4: This is the maximal-load attempt.

Now let’s cover three different ways to determine your 1RM without the risk

of performing an actual 1RM attempt.

TABLE 1.1 Steps for Testing Maximal Strength

Set Reps RPE Rest

Set 1: warm-up 2 4 or 5 1 min

Set 2: warm-up 2 6 or 7 3 min

Set 3: warm-up 2 8 5 min

Set 4: maximal attempt X 10 5 min (if necessary)

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