Elite Physique The New Science of Building a Better Body

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Half-Kneeling Pallof Press


The half-kneeling Pallof press is performed with one knee resting on the floor. This

requires increased activation from the glutes in that hip while placing the hip flexors

in a stretch position. This exercise is often considered a regression from the standing

version, although many people find the half-kneeling position to be more challenging.


1. Position a cable or band around hip height. Grab the handle of the band or the

cable with both hands, fingers interlocked.

2. Step away from the cable or band so it’s to your right. Rest your left knee on

a pad and your right foot on the floor, the knee bent to 90 degrees, with the

cable or band parallel to the ground (see figure a). Get into a tall posture, hands

against your chest.

3. Brace your abs, squeeze your left glutes, and then slowly straighten your arms in

front, parallel to the ground (see figure b). Maintain the position without rotating

your trunk or pelvis.

4. Hold for the recommended time, then switch sides so the cable or band is to

your left.




The half-kneeling version requires greater gluteal activation of the hip when the knee

is resting on the floor, and it helps improve mobility of the hip flexors.



• Tuck the chin to avoid neck strain.

• Maintain the tallest posture possible, with the shoulders parallel to the floor.

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