Elite Physique The New Science of Building a Better Body

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58 Elite Physique

Muscle Growth: What Scientists Know

These days we have handheld phones that are more powerful than computers in the

1960s, which took up entire rooms. That computing power, combined with advances

in imaging technology, allows researchers to examine muscle tissue in ways never

imagined by the pioneers of exercise science in the 20th century. But for all those

advancements, we still don’t know much about the physiological and metabolic

adaptations that make your muscles grow. Two things scientists are pretty sure of:

the roles played by satellite cells and the mTOR pathway.

After a bout of resistance training, your muscle fibers have trauma in the form of

microscopic tears through the fibers and surrounding structures. This microtrauma

signals the muscle’s satellite cells (i.e., muscle stem cells) to activate and move to

the site of damage. The satellite cells donate their nuclei, which starts a cascade of

events that allow the fibers to increase their size (Egner, Bruusgaard, and Gundersen

2016). The mTOR pathway is thought to be the master regulator of muscle growth

(Thomas and Hall 1997). Short for mammalian target of rapamycin, mTOR performs

numerous roles involving insulin, growth factors, and amino acids, as well as the

muscle’s nutrient, oxygen, and energy levels (Hay and Sonenberg 2004; Tokunaga,

Yoshino, and Yonezawa 2004).

One question that still baffles scientists is, Can adult muscles split to form new


To get the idea, think of a stock you bought in a Fortune 500 company. If the

stock price increases rapidly, the company may decide to split the stock, so instead

of owning one share worth $100, you own two shares, each worth $50. Muscle

fibers are like the stock shares in the first half of the analogy. We know they can

get larger. But we don’t know if a single fiber can split into two smaller fibers (a

process called hyperplasia) when it reaches a critical level of growth (Jorgensen,

Phillips, and Hornberger 2020).

How Does Muscle Grow or Shrink?

A muscle’s physiological cross-sectional area can expand (hypertrophy), shrink

(atrophy), or stay the same size. Throughout the day, the body alternates between

periods of muscle protein synthesis and muscle protein breakdown. Hypertrophy

occurs when synthesis is higher than breakdown over the course of a day or

more. The muscle pulls amino acids from the blood, which it then uses to build

muscle proteins. Atrophy occurs when protein breakdown is higher than protein

synthesis. In this case, muscle proteins break down into amino acids, which are

then released into the blood, where they’re used for other metabolic processes.

These processes are shown in figure 4.1.

After a bout of high-intensity resistance exercise, muscle protein breakdown

and synthesis increase (Phillips et al. 1997). But during the subsequent 24 to 36

hours, synthesis is greater than breakdown. The result is a net increase in muscle

protein (i.e., hypertrophy), assuming the person has eaten enough protein for

that to occur (Cermak et al. 2012; West et al. 2016).

As most of us know, increasing a muscle’s size through hypertrophy not only

makes you look better on the beach but increases your performance as well,

assuming you don’t also gain a lot of fat. Larger muscles can produce more

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