Elite Physique The New Science of Building a Better Body

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62 Elite Physique

training, or coming back from a long layoff, you may increase strength and muscle

mass during a caloric deficit while also losing fat. But if you’re an intermediate to

advanced lifter who’s been training consistently for the past few years, you may

be lucky to maintain your muscle mass while losing fat. The more likely outcome

is that you’ll lose some muscle along with the fat. That said, if you have a lot of

fat covering strong and well-developed muscles, you will probably appear more

muscular as you get leaner, even though you actually have less total muscle. It’s a

trade-off most of us will gladly make when the goal is to improve your physique.

The fourth change—shorter rest periods—increases the density of your workout.

In other words, you perform more work in less time. Your heart rate will

increase, and you’ll breathe harder from the greater cardiorespiratory demand

(Alcaraz, Sanchez-Lorente, and Blazevich 2008). You’ll also have higher levels

of EPOC (excess postexercise oxygen consumption), which means you continue

to burn calories at a higher rate in the hours following your workout (Greer et

al. 2015). Some research suggests EPOC aids in fat loss, although probably not

to the extent you often see promoted in fitness marketing (Williams et al. 2013).

Calorie burning is also the reason for the fifth change. Metabolic work is

similar to strength training with limited rest periods, in that it raises your heart

rate and contributes to EPOC. The low-intensity cardiorespiratory exercise on

the days in between strength workouts will also burn calories and train your

body to better utilize fat for fuel. So why not do only high-intensity metabolic

exercise, like interval training, on nonlifting days? The goal is to limit fatigue and

facilitate recovery. High-intensity exercise creates an acid load on the body that

must be buffered by your kidneys, which can be stressful if you do too much of

it. Simply walking at a brisk pace on those days, instead of remaining sedentary,

will increase circulation, which helps your body clear the waste products left

over from your strength workouts.

Final Thoughts

In this chapter, we talk about the differences between training for fat loss or

muscle gain. To recap what we covered earlier: Almost any well-designed resistance

training program has the potential to build muscle or burn fat, to some

degree. But you won’t gain much muscle when consuming a caloric deficit each

day or lose fat when eating a caloric surplus, no matter how hard you try. That’s

why specific nutrition and training adjustments are often necessary to optimize

your results. And if you’re unsure which goal to focus on first, take a look in the

mirror. If there’s any excess fat around your midsection, focus on fat loss first.

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