Elite Physique The New Science of Building a Better Body

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Assess to Impress



Ankle mobility is often overlooked when assessing a person’s ability to squat

with proper form. However, your ankle health and squat depth are closely linked

(Kim et al. 2015). Here we cover a basic assessment to determine if your mobility

is up to par.

Dorsiflexion Assessment

This test assesses mobility of the calf muscles

and ankle joint. The goal is for the knee

to travel at least four inches (10 cm) past the

toes on each side.

To perform this assessment, have a partner

nearby with a straight stick and tape

measure. Drop into a half-kneeling position

with your right knee on the ground and push

your left knee as far as possible past the

front of your left toes (see figure 1.9). The

partner places the stick against the front of

the left knee and perpendicular to the ground,

and then measures the distance of the knee

past the toes. Repeat by performing the same

test for your right ankle, with your left knee

resting on the floor.

It is easy to cheat during this assessment

by collapsing the arch or pushing the knee

inward, instead of forward, while testing the

FIGURE 1.9 Dorsiflexion correct


ankle. Make sure your knee pushes directly forward over the center of the foot

and you maintain an arch. It is important to get an accurate gauge of your ankle

mobility because the ability to dorsiflex each ankle through a normal range of

motion is essential for performing a squat, deadlift, or lunge with proper form.

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