Elite Physique The New Science of Building a Better Body

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Romanian Deadlift (RDL)

The Romanian deadlift (RDL) is essentially a partial deadlift that starts from the lockout

position. The lifter lowers the weight to around knee level before returning it to the

starting position, making it a viable option for virtually anyone, especially tall athletes

with mobility deficits. The only potential disadvantage is that you need a power rack to

start the exercise. This is one of the deadlift variations where you need to lower the

weight relatively slowly to avoid low back strain because a quick drop is very risky to

the discs. Dumbbells are just as effective as a barbell, and often preferable to many.



1. Place two heavy dumbbells on a bench in front of you. Grab them and step back

from the bench, with the dumbbells against your thighs, and set your feet between

hip- and shoulder-width apart, feet straight ahead (see figure a).

2. Brace your core, and then push your hips back, lowering the dumbbells until

they’re just below your knees while maintaining a neutral spine (see figure b).

3. Push your hips back to the starting position and repeat.




• This eliminates the range of motion in the lower half, which can be the highest

risk phase for people with a history of low back pain or poor mobility.

• It is an excellent way to teach the hip hinge.


Younger athletes, especially females, will try to lower the weight far below their knees.

If you find yourself doing this, slow the movement down and focus on the quality of hip

extension rather than range of motion.


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