Elite Physique The New Science of Building a Better Body

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Kettlebell Swing

The kettlebell swing, popularized by Pavel Tsatsouline, builds explosive power and

muscle throughout the entire posterior chain. The key is to start with a relatively light

load and maintain perfect form with every repetition throughout this dynamic exercise.


1. Stand with your feet wider than shoulder

width, with a kettlebell resting on the ground

about a foot (30 cm) in front of you. Push your

hips back, keep your knees directly above

your feet, and then reach forward to grab the

kettlebell with both hands while maintaining

a neutral spine (see figure a). This is only

the starting position and is not repeated

throughout the subsequent reps.

2. To initiate the swing, explosively pull the kettlebell

so it swings back between your legs

(see figure b).

3. Explosively thrust your hips forward as you

stand, driving through the center of your feet,

using minimal assistance from your arms to

elevate the kettlebell. Swing the kettlebell up

until it’s around chest height (see figure c).

Your body should be perfectly vertical at the

end of the motion.

4. Reverse the motion, and continue for the

desired number of reps. To end the set,

perform a hip hinge and lower the kettlebell

straight down to the floor.





The swing encourages high-velocity hip extension,

which builds explosive power of the posterior chain.


• Maintain a neutral spine throughout the

exercise by moving within a range that suits

your mobility.

• The arms provide minimal assistance for the

swing; the majority of the elevation should

come from a powerful hip extension.

• The shoulders should remain down throughout

the movement; avoid shrugging.

• The heels should remain on the ground

throughout the movement. Drive through your

heels to keep them on the ground.


• The most common mistake is leaning the

trunk backward as the kettlebell reaches its highest position; your trunk should

be perpendicular to the ground at the peak of the swing.


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