Elite Physique The New Science of Building a Better Body

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214 Elite Physique

If you choose an upper and lower split, training each twice throughout a seven-day

cycle, you have a few options. Since a lower body workout is more taxing

than an upper body workout, plan your rest days after the lower body workout.

If you prefer to have the weekends off, plan your schedule as shown in table 8.7.

Beyond that, any structure will work well as long as the lower body workout is

followed by a day or two of rest.

TABLE 8.7 Seven-Day Cycle for Two Upper and Lower Body Workouts

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7

UB LB Rest UB LB Rest Rest

UB = upper body; LB = lower body

The general programming structure for full-body training that I’ve found

most beneficial for managing fatigue is to alternate between upper body movement

planes and hip- or quad-emphasis exercises from workout to workout. For

example, if I program a bench press and deadlift on Monday, I’ll program an

overhead press and squat or lunge variation on Wednesday. For an upper and

lower split, you can program horizontal and vertical plane upper body movements

in the same workout, and hip- and quad-emphasis exercises in the lower

body workouts. To manage fatigue and build structural balance, adhere to these

two programming guidelines:

• Have an equal number of sets and repetitions for all upper body vertical

plane movements and an equal number between horizontal plane movements

at the end of the seven- or eight-day cycle. The solution here is as

simple as programming the same parameters for the horizontal plane and

the same parameters for the vertical. For example, Monday’s upper body

workout could be 5 × 5 for the bench press and row and 4 × 6 for the pull-up

and overhead press.

• Avoid programming double-leg hip- and quad-emphasis exercises in the

same workout. For example, on Tuesday you could program a sumo deadlift

and a lunge or a front squat and a one-leg deadlift.

Sample Muscle-Building Programs

The following programs use a wide variety of equipment from an elaborate gym

to a single kettlebell and are designed to build a balance of strength and muscle

throughout the body without emphasizing any specific area. High frequency

training (HFT) for developing specific muscle groups that are lagging behind,

which will be added into these programs, is covered in chapter 10. There are three

12-week muscle-building programs presented here: Muscle Builder 1 (MB1),

Muscle Builder 2 (MB2), and Muscle Builder 3 (MB3). These three programs are

not arranged in any particular order. The purpose of three different plans is to

give you a variety of choices based on your available equipment. They are all

equally effective for building muscle and strength.

These three muscle-building programs follow a daily undulating periodization

(DUP) structure, one I have used for most of my career. There is no doubt that

your muscles and nervous system like variety in the gym, and this is especially

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