Elite Physique The New Science of Building a Better Body

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12 Elite Physique

Overhead Mobility

The ability to reach both arms fully overhead is necessary for a wide variety of

tasks, from lifting your suitcase into overhead storage to performing a shoulder

press at the gym. A lack of overhead mobility, sometimes caused by stiffness in

the shoulder extensors and internal rotators, can indicate an underlying injury

or increase your risk of a future one (Cools et al. 2015; Page 2011). Although the

possible culprits for poor overhead mobility can go beyond muscle stiffness,

such as stiffness in the joint capsule or a bony impingement, it is important to

determine if you’re at risk of a shoulder injury, even if you currently don’t feel

any pain. A simple way to assess your overhead mobility is with the overhead

reach test with your back against a wall.

Overhead Mobility Assessment

To assess overhead mobility, you will perform an

overhead reach. This assesses the mobility of the

shoulder extensors and internal rotators and the

upward rotation of the scapulae. The goal is to touch

both thumbs to the wall without pain.

To perform this assessment, assume a quarter

squat with your low back pressed against a wall.

Hold your arms straight in front with elbows locked

and thumbs pointing up. Lift your arms overhead as

high as possible, and attempt to touch your thumbs

to the wall without arching your low back or bending

your elbows (see figure 1.10). If you are able to touch

both thumbs to the wall, you passed the test. If one

or both sides fell short, see a licensed therapist to

correct the problem.

FIGURE 1.10 Overhead

mobility correct form.

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