Gestão Ambiental e Negociação de Conflitos em Unidades ... - Sema

Gestão Ambiental e Negociação de Conflitos em Unidades ... - Sema

Gestão Ambiental e Negociação de Conflitos em Unidades ... - Sema


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investimento <strong>em</strong> melhoria <strong>de</strong> pastag<strong>em</strong> <strong>em</strong> uma das proprieda<strong>de</strong>s se <strong>de</strong>uainda no primeiro ano <strong>de</strong> plantio. Entretanto não foi encontrada correlaçãoentre o rendimento bruto e o custo <strong>de</strong> implantação das pastagens <strong>de</strong> inverno.Como neste período há carência <strong>de</strong> leite e queijo, o manejo s<strong>em</strong> fogopo<strong>de</strong> tornar a pecuária serrana competitiva. Aparent<strong>em</strong>ente, as práticas alternativasao uso do fogo têm dificulda<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> aceitação entre os fazen<strong>de</strong>iros<strong>de</strong>vido ao <strong>de</strong>sconhecimento das suas vantagens e a barreiras culturais.Palavras-chave: pecuária, pastagens, capacida<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> carga.AbstractFire use to grazing renovation is an illegal practice in Brazil, accordinga Fe<strong>de</strong>ral Law. In the State of Rio Gran<strong>de</strong> do Sul, fire can be legally used justto parasites control or phyto-sanitary treatment. However, fire is actuallyused to grazing manag<strong>em</strong>ent by farmers in the highlands of Rio Gran<strong>de</strong> doSul. In this study we look for some alternative methods to fire for grazingrenovation. The present work aims at i<strong>de</strong>ntifying, which alternative syst<strong>em</strong>sare used instead of fire in the municipal district of São Francisco <strong>de</strong> Paula,Rio Gran<strong>de</strong> do Sul, and whether grazing manag<strong>em</strong>ent without the use offire will make cattle raising in this highland area more competitive in winter.We have selected four informant experts for indication of reference groups.They have been interviewed according to a structured gui<strong>de</strong>d questionnaire,while their practices have been also assessed at work. These expertsare local ranchers who have been cattle breeding for about 46 years average.We have conclu<strong>de</strong>d that the alternative methods to the use of fire areused as a compl<strong>em</strong>ent to the traditional manag<strong>em</strong>ent in the very sameproperties. Burning grazing with agropastoral objectives is used in the areaswhere there is no mechanization, associated with the manag<strong>em</strong>ent of thetotal number of animals for hectare and the plantation of winter grass, likeAvena sp., Lolium multiflorum, Trifolium repens, Trifolium pretense and Lotuscorniculatus. In one of the farms, grazing investment was recovered in thesame year of the plantation. However, we have not found any correlationbetween the profits and the impl<strong>em</strong>entation costs. As in this period, thereis shortage of milk and cheese, manag<strong>em</strong>ent without the use of fire mightmake highland cattle raising more competitive. Apparently, alternativepractices to fire have had difficulties to be accepted among farmers sincethey apparently ignore the advantages of such practices and also becauseof cultural barriers.Key words: cattle breeding, grazing, carrying capacity.60

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