Przegląd Epidemiologiczny - Państwowy Zakład Higieny

Przegląd Epidemiologiczny - Państwowy Zakład Higieny

Przegląd Epidemiologiczny - Państwowy Zakład Higieny


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Nr 1Status of immunity in children after hematopoietic stem cells transplantation 95The concentration of antibody for the followingantigens: hepatitis B virus (HBV), Heamophilus influenzatype b (Hib), tetanus (T), diphtheria (D) andvaricella (V) were tested using commercial enzymelinked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kits according tothe instructions of the manufacturer: ETI-AB-AUK-3anti-HBs (DiaSorin, Italy), VaccZyme TM Hib IgG (TheBinding Site, UK), Tetanus and Diphtheria IgG ELISAand VZV IgG/IgM ELISA (Genzyme Vitotech GmbH,Germany).STATISTICAL ANALYSISMeans, medians, ranges and percentages werereported. The results of antibody concentration wascompared between the two groups (allogeneic and autologousHSCT) at the time of revaccination commencedusing the Yates’ c 2 or Fisher exact test. All statisticalanalysis were done using STATISTICA 9.0 with licencefor Jagiellonian University.RESULTSTab. III. Obligatory since 2009 vaccination schedule publishedin 2011 by Polish Ministry of HealthTab. III. Obowiązujący od 2009 r. kalendarz szczepień,opublikowany przez Ministra Zdrowia w 2011r.Age period Vaccine Number of dosesHBV 3BCG 11-yearDt-Tt-P 3Hib 3I-PV 2La-MMR 12-yearDt-Tt-P 1Hib 1I-PV 16-yearDt-Tt-P 1I-PV 110-year La-MMR 114-year Dt-Tt 1HBV - hepatitis B virus, BCG – tuberculosis, Dt – diphtheriatoxoid, Tt – tetanus toxoid, P – pertussis, Hib - Heamophilusinfluenza type b , I-PV - inactivated polio vaccine, La-MMR- live-attenuated measles-mumps-rubella vaccineAThe schedule of obligatory vaccination in Poland,which should be performed in presented group of childrenbefore HSCT was changed in years and is presentedin tables II and III (10,11).Tab. II. Obligatory in Poland since 1991 vaccination scheduleTab. II. Obowiązujący w Polsce od 1991r. kalendarz szczepieńAge period Vaccine Number of dosesHBV 41-yearBCG 1-2Dt-Tt-P 3La-PV 3Measles 12-yearDt-Tt-P 1La-PV 16-yearDt-Tt 1La-PV 17-year BCG 19-year Measles 111-year La-PV 112-year BCG 113-year-girls Rubella 114-year Dt-Tt 1HBV - hepatitis B virus, BCG – tuberculosis, Dt – diphtheriatoxoid, Tt – tetanus toxoid, P – pertussis, La-PV - live-attenuatedpolio vaccine,BBCG – tuberculosis vaccine, HBV – hepatitis B vaccines,Dt – diphtheria toxoid, Tt – tetanus toxoid, P - pertussisvaccine, PV – poliovirus vaccine, Ma – measles vaccine,Mu – mumps vaccine, R - rubella vaccine, Vv – varicellavaccine, Hibc – haemophilus influenzae type b conjugatevaccine, Pn – pneumococcal vaccine, InfV – influenza vaccine,Mn – meningococcal vaccineFig. 1.Ryc.1.Vaccination rate before HSCT in autologous (A)and allogeneic (B) groupOdsetek dzieci zaszczepionych przed autologicznym(A) i allogenicznym (B) przeszczepin komórekkrwiotwórczych HSCT

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