Safeguard Recitals (a book of protection chants)

A Pāli and English line by line (interlinear) version of this major collection of chanting texts from the Theravāda tradition.

A Pāli and English line by line (interlinear) version of this major collection of chanting texts from the Theravāda tradition.


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The Seven Extra Discourses - 103<br />

Nāgas and Supaṇṇas<br />

Athāgu Nābhasā nāgā, 1 Vesālā saha Tacchakā,<br />

Then came Nāgas from Nābhasa, and from Vesāli, and the Tacchakas,<br />

Kambal’ Assatarā āgu, Pāyāgā saha ñātibhi. [33]<br />

the Kambalas, and Assataras came, and (nāgas) from Pāyāga with their kin.<br />

Yāmunā Dhataraṭṭhā 2 ca āgu nāgā yasassino,<br />

The Yāmuna, and the Dhataraṭṭha nāgas came, resplendent ones,<br />

Erāvaṇo mahānāgo, so pāga samitiṁ vanaṁ. [34]<br />

and Erāvaṇa, the great nāga, he also came to the gathering in the wood.<br />

Ye nāgarāje sahasā haranti dibbā dijā pakkhivisuddhacakkhū -<br />

Those who carry away the nāga kings by force the divine, twice-born, winged ones, with clear<br />

vision -<br />

vehāsayā te vanam-ajjhapattā, Citrā Supaṇṇā iti tesaṁ nāmāni. [35]<br />

through the air they (came and) arrived in the wood, the Citras and Supaṇṇas, such are their<br />

names.<br />

Abhayaṁ tadā nāgarājānam-āsi, supaṇṇato khemam-akāsi Buddho.<br />

But at that time the nāga kings were without fear, for the Buddha made them safe from the<br />

supaṇṇas.<br />

Saṇhāhi vācāhi upavhayantā, nāgā supaṇṇā saraṇam-agaṁsu Buddhaṁ. 3 [36]<br />

Calling on (one another) with gentle words, the nāgas and supaṇṇas took refuge in the Buddha.<br />

Asuras<br />

Jitā Vajirahatthena, samuddaṁ asurā sitā,<br />

Defeated by Vajirahattha, the asuras live in the ocean,<br />

bhātaro Vāsavassete, 4 iddhimanto yasassino, [37]<br />

they are brothers <strong>of</strong> Vāsava, having psychic power, resplendent,<br />

Kālakañjā mahābhiṁsā, asurā Dānaveghasā,<br />

the very fearful Kālakañjas, the Dānaveghasa asuras,<br />

Vepacittī 5 Sucittī ca, Pahārādo Namucī saha, [38]<br />

Vepacitti and Sucitti, Pahārāda, together with Namuci,<br />

satañ-ca Baliputtānaṁ, sabbe Verocanāmakā.<br />

and a hundred <strong>of</strong> Bali’s sons, all <strong>of</strong> them named after Veroca.<br />

Sannayhitvā Baliṁ senaṁ Rāhubhaddam-upāgamuṁ:<br />

Having armed themselves, Bali’s army came to lucky Rāhu (and said):<br />

1 CBhp: Nāgasā nāgā<br />

2 CBhp: Dhataraṭṭho<br />

3 CBhp: saraṇagamaṁsu, and omit Buddhaṁ<br />

4 CBhp: Vasavassete<br />

5 MPP, PPV, PPV2: Vepacitti

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