Safeguard Recitals (a book of protection chants)

A Pāli and English line by line (interlinear) version of this major collection of chanting texts from the Theravāda tradition.

A Pāli and English line by line (interlinear) version of this major collection of chanting texts from the Theravāda tradition.


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Supplementary Texts - 188<br />

5. Aṭṭhavīsatiparittaṁ<br />

<strong>Safeguard</strong> through the Twenty-Eight Buddhas<br />

Taṇhaṅkaro mahāvīro, Medhaṅkaro mahāyaso,<br />

Taṇhaṅkara, the great hero, Medhaṅkara, <strong>of</strong> great repute,<br />

Saraṇaṅkaro lokahito, Dīpaṅkaro jutindharo, [1]<br />

Saraṇaṅkara, who benefits the world, Dīpaṅkara, the bright one,<br />

Koṇḍañño janapāmokkho, Maṅgalo purisāsabho,<br />

Koṇḍañña, head <strong>of</strong> the people, Maṅgala, a bull <strong>of</strong> a man,<br />

Sumano sumano dhīro, Revato rativaddhano, [2]<br />

The wise one Sumana, whose mind is well, Revata, who increases delight,<br />

Sobhito guṇasampanno, Anomadassī januttamo,<br />

Sobhita, endowed with good qualities, Anomadassī, supreme man,<br />

Padumo lokapajjoto, Nārado varasārathī, [3]<br />

Paduma, the lamp <strong>of</strong> the world, Nārada, the best <strong>of</strong> guides,<br />

Padumuttaro sattasāro, Sumedho aggapuggalo,<br />

Padumuttara, an excellent being, Sumedha, the greatest person,<br />

Sujāto sabbalokaggo, Piyadassī narāsabho, [4]<br />

Sujāta, greatest in all the world, Piyadassī, a bull <strong>of</strong> a man,<br />

Atthadassī kāruṇiko, Dhammadassī tamonudo,<br />

Atthadassī, the compassionate one, Dhammadassī, darkness-dispeller,<br />

Siddhattho asamo loke, Tisso varadasaṁvaro, [5]<br />

Siddhattha, unequalled in the world, Tissa, who was most restrained,<br />

Phusso varadasambuddho, Vipassī ca anūpamo,<br />

Phussa, excellent Sambuddha, Vipassī, who has no likeness,<br />

Sikhī sabbahito Satthā, Vessabhū sukhadāyako, [6]<br />

Sikhī, the Teacher who is a benefit to all, Vessabhū, who gives happiness,<br />

Kakusandho satthavāho, Koṇāgamano raṇañjaho,<br />

Kakusandha, the leader <strong>of</strong> the pack, Koṇāgamana, who gave up what is harmful,<br />

Kassapo sirisampanno, Gotamo Sakyapuṅgavo. [7]<br />

Kassapa, the glorious one, and Gotama, the Sakyan bull.<br />

Tesaṁ saccena sīlena, khantimettabalena ca,<br />

Through their truth and virtue, and the strength <strong>of</strong> their patience and friendliness,<br />

te pi tvaṁ anurakkhantu ārogyena sukhena cā! ti [8]<br />

may these (Buddhas) always protect you with good health and happiness!

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