Safeguard Recitals (a book of protection chants)

A Pāli and English line by line (interlinear) version of this major collection of chanting texts from the Theravāda tradition.

A Pāli and English line by line (interlinear) version of this major collection of chanting texts from the Theravāda tradition.


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The Fourth Recital - 161<br />

Yebhuyyena kho pana bhante yakkhā appaṭiviratā yeva pāṇātipātā,<br />

But, reverend Sir, almost all <strong>of</strong> the yakkhas do not refrain from killing living creatures,<br />

appaṭiviratā adinnādānā,<br />

do not refrain from taking what has not been given,<br />

appaṭiviratā kāmesu micchācārā,<br />

do not refrain from sexual misconduct,<br />

appaṭiviratā musāvādā,<br />

do not refrain from false speech,<br />

appaṭiviratā surāmerayamajjapamādaṭṭhānā.<br />

do not refrain from liquors, wines, or intoxicants which cause heedlessness.<br />

Tesaṁ taṁ hoti appiyaṁ amanāpaṁ.<br />

To them that is neither dear nor appealing.<br />

Santi hi bhante Bhagavato sāvakā araññe,<br />

There are, reverend Sir, disciples <strong>of</strong> the Gracious One in the wilderness,<br />

vanapatthāni pantāni senāsanāni paṭisevanti,<br />

who are practising in remote jungle dwelling places,<br />

appasaddāni, appanigghosāni, vijanavātāni,<br />

where there is little sound, little noise, which have a lonely atmosphere,<br />

manussarāhaseyyakāni, paṭisallānasāruppāni.<br />

lying hidden away from men, which are suitable for seclusion.<br />

Tattha santi uḷārā yakkhā nivāsino<br />

And there are high ranking yakkhas settled there<br />

ye imasmiṁ Bhagavato pāvacane appasannā,<br />

who are not pleased with the word <strong>of</strong> the Gracious One,<br />

Tesaṁ pasādāya uggaṇhātu bhante Bhagavā “Āṭānāṭiyaṁ” rakkhaṁ,<br />

To please then, reverend Sir, may the Gracious One learn this “Āṭānāṭiya” <strong>protection</strong>,<br />

bhikkhūnaṁ, bhikkhuṇīnaṁ, upāsakānaṁ, upāsikānaṁ,<br />

for the monks’, nuns’, laymen’s, and laywomen’s<br />

guttiyā, rakkhāya, avihiṁsāya, phāsuvihārāyā” ti.<br />

guard, <strong>protection</strong>, freedom from harm, and comfortable living.”<br />

Adhivāsesiṁ kho ahaṁ bhikkhave tuṇhībhāvena.<br />

And I, monks, by keeping silent, gave consent.<br />

Atha kho bhikkhave 1 Vessavaṇo Mahārājā maṁ adhivāsanaṁ viditvā<br />

Then the Great King Vessavaṇa, monks, having understood my consent<br />

tāyaṁ velāyaṁ imaṁ “Āṭānāṭiyaṁ” rakkhaṁ abhāsi:<br />

on that occasion recited this “Āṭānāṭiya” <strong>protection</strong>:<br />

1 CBhp, PPV omit bhikkhave

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