Safeguard Recitals (a book of protection chants)

A Pāli and English line by line (interlinear) version of this major collection of chanting texts from the Theravāda tradition.

A Pāli and English line by line (interlinear) version of this major collection of chanting texts from the Theravāda tradition.


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Evaṁ me sutaṁ:<br />

Thus I have heard:<br />

The Seven Extra Discourses - 114<br />

25. Kasībhāradvājasuttaṁ<br />

The Discourse concerning Kasībhāradvāja<br />

ekaṁ samayaṁ Bhagavā Magadhesu viharati<br />

at one time the Gracious One was dwelling amongst the Magadhans<br />

Dakkhiṇāgirismiṁ Ekanālāyaṁ brāhmaṇagāme.<br />

on the Southern Hill near the brahmin village Ekanālā.<br />

Tena kho pana samayena Kasībhāradvājassa brāhmaṇassa<br />

Then at that time the brahmin Kasībhāradvāja<br />

pañcamattāni naṅgalasatāni payuttāni honti vappakāle.<br />

had about five hundred ploughs yoked up during the sowing season.<br />

Atha kho Bhagavā pubbanhasamayaṁ nivāsetvā, pattacīvaram-ādāya,<br />

Then the Gracious One, having dressed in the morning time, after picking up his bowl and robe,<br />

yena Kasībhāradvājassa brāhmaṇassa kammanto tenupasaṅkami. 1<br />

approached the place where the brahmin Kasībhāradvāja was working.<br />

Tena kho pana samayena Kasībhāradvājassa brāhmaṇassa parivesanā vattati.<br />

Then at that time the brahmin Kasībhāradvāja’s food distribution was proceeding.<br />

Atha kho Bhagavā yena parivesanā tenupasaṅkami,<br />

Then the Gracious One approached the food distribution,<br />

upasaṅkamitvā ekam-antaṁ aṭṭhāsi.<br />

and after approaching he stood on one side.<br />

Addasā kho Kasībhāradvājo brāhmaṇo Bhagavantaṁ piṇḍāya ṭhitaṁ,<br />

The brahmin Kasībhāradvāja saw the Gracious One standing for alms,<br />

disvāna Bhagavantaṁ etad-avoca:<br />

and after seeing him he said this to the Gracious One:<br />

“Ahaṁ kho samaṇa kasāmi ca vapāmi ca,<br />

“Ascetic, I plough and I sow,<br />

kasitvā ca vapitvā ca bhuñjāmi.<br />

and after ploughing and sowing I eat.<br />

Tvam-pi samaṇa kasassu ca vapassu ca,<br />

You also, ascetic, should plough and sow,<br />

kasitvā ca vapitvā ca bhuñjassū” ti.<br />

and after ploughing and sowing you can eat.”<br />

“Aham-pi kho brāhmaṇa kasāmi ca vapāmi ca,<br />

“Brahmin, I also plough and sow,<br />

1 CBhp: omit upasankami, presumably by mistake

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