Safeguard Recitals (a book of protection chants)

A Pāli and English line by line (interlinear) version of this major collection of chanting texts from the Theravāda tradition.

A Pāli and English line by line (interlinear) version of this major collection of chanting texts from the Theravāda tradition.


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The Seven Extra Discourses - 124<br />

Sādhu me bhavaṁ Gotamo tathā Dhammaṁ desetu<br />

It would be good for me if the reverend Gotama would preach the Dhamma<br />

yathāhaṁ jāneyyaṁ vasalaṁ vā vasalakaraṇe vā dhamme” ti.<br />

so that I may know what an outcaste is, and what things make one an outcaste.”<br />

“Tena hi brāhmaṇa suṇāhi, sādhukaṁ manasikarohi bhāsissāmī” ti.<br />

“Then listen, brahmin, apply your mind well, and I will speak.”<br />

“Evaṁ bho,” ti kho Aggikabhāradvājo brāhmaṇo<br />

“Yes, reverend,” the brahmin Aggikabhāradvāja<br />

Bhagavato paccassosi, Bhagavā etad-avoca:<br />

replied to the Gracious One, and the Gracious One said this:<br />

“Kodhano upanāhī ca, pāpamakkhī ca yo naro,<br />

“That man who is angry, who has enmity, is bad, and insolent,<br />

vipannadiṭṭhi māyāvī, taṁ jaññā vasalo iti. [1]<br />

who has wrong views, and is deceitful, he one should know as an outcaste.<br />

Ekajaṁ vā dvijaṁ vā pi yodha pāṇāni hiṁsati,<br />

Whether once born, or twice born, he who is violent to creatures here,<br />

yassa pāṇe dayā natthi, taṁ jaññā vasalo iti. [2]<br />

who has no sympathy with creatures, he one should know as an outcaste.<br />

Yo hanti parirundhati gāmāni nigamāni ca,<br />

He who beseiges and destroys villages and market towns,<br />

niggāhako samaññāto, taṁ jaññā vasalo iti. [3]<br />

who is well known as an oppressor, he one should know as an outcaste.<br />

Gāme vā yadi vāraññe, yaṁ paresaṁ mamāyitaṁ,<br />

° (He who), whether in the village or the wilderness, takes by theft what is not given,<br />

theyyā adinnaṁ ādiyati, 1 taṁ jaññā vasalo iti. [4]<br />

those things loved by others, he one should know as an outcaste.<br />

Yo have iṇam-ādāya, cujjamāno palāyati,<br />

He who has taken on a debt, and when pressed (to pay it) runs away,<br />

“Na hi te iṇam-atthī” ti, taṁ jaññā vasalo iti. [5]<br />

saying: “There is no debt due to you,” he one should know as an outcaste.<br />

Yo ve kiñcikkhakamyatā, panthasmiṁ vajataṁ janaṁ,<br />

° He who desiring a trifle, after slaying a person going<br />

hantvā kiñcikkham-ādeti, taṁ jaññā vasalo iti. [6]<br />

along the path, takes that trifle, he one should know as an outcaste.<br />

Yo attahetu parahetu dhanahetu ca yo naro,<br />

That man who, for his own sake, for the sake <strong>of</strong> others, or for wealth,<br />

1 CBhp: theyyaṁ adinnam-ādeti

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