Safeguard Recitals (a book of protection chants)

A Pāli and English line by line (interlinear) version of this major collection of chanting texts from the Theravāda tradition.

A Pāli and English line by line (interlinear) version of this major collection of chanting texts from the Theravāda tradition.


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The Seven Extra Discourses - 137<br />

The Fourth Noble Truth and its Analysis<br />

Katamañ-cāvuso dukkhanirodhagāminī paṭipadā ariyasaccaṁ?<br />

Now what, venerable friends, is the noble truth <strong>of</strong> the practice leading to the end <strong>of</strong> suffering?<br />

Ayam-eva ariyo aṭṭhaṅgiko maggo, seyyathīdaṁ:<br />

It is this noble path with eight factors, as follows:<br />

sammādiṭṭhi [1]<br />

right view<br />

sammāsaṅkappo [2]<br />

right thought<br />

sammāvācā [3]<br />

right speech<br />

sammākammanto [4]<br />

right action<br />

sammā-ājīvo [5]<br />

right livelihood<br />

sammāvāyāmo [6]<br />

right endeavour<br />

sammāsati [7]<br />

right mindfulness<br />

sammāsamādhi. [8]<br />

right concentration.<br />

Katamā cāvuso sammādiṭṭhi?<br />

Now what, venerable friends, is right view?<br />

Yaṁ kho āvuso dukkhe ñāṇaṁ<br />

That, venerable friends, which is knowledge about suffering<br />

dukkhasamudaye ñāṇaṁ<br />

knowledge about the arising <strong>of</strong> suffering<br />

dukkhanirodhe ñāṇaṁ<br />

knowledge about the cessation <strong>of</strong> suffering<br />

dukkhanirodhagāminiyā paṭipadāya 1 ñāṇaṁ.<br />

knowledge about the practice going to the cessation <strong>of</strong> suffering.<br />

Ayaṁ vuccatāvuso sammādiṭṭhi.<br />

This, venerable friends, is called right view.<br />

1 CBhp: -gāminī paṭipadāya

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