Safeguard Recitals (a book of protection chants)

A Pāli and English line by line (interlinear) version of this major collection of chanting texts from the Theravāda tradition.

A Pāli and English line by line (interlinear) version of this major collection of chanting texts from the Theravāda tradition.


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The Fourth Recital - 164<br />

The South<br />

Yena petā pavuccanti, pisuṇā piṭṭhimaṁsikā,<br />

There they say (go) the departed, who speak maliciously, backbiters,<br />

pāṇātipātino luddā, corā nekatikā janā,<br />

killers <strong>of</strong> creatures, hunters, thieves, and fraudulent people,<br />

ito sā Dakkhiṇā disā, iti naṁ ācikkhatī jano. [68]<br />

from here that is the Southerly direction, so the people declare.<br />

Yaṁ disaṁ abhipāleti Mahārājā yasassi so,<br />

That direction is watched over by a resplendent Great King,<br />

kumbhaṇḍhānaṁ ādhipati, Virūḷho iti nāma so. [69]<br />

he is the master <strong>of</strong> the kumbhaṇḍhas, Virūḷha, such is his name.<br />

Ramatī naccagītehi, kumbhaṇḍhehi purakkhato,<br />

He delights in song and dance, he is honoured by kumbhaṇḍhas,<br />

puttā pi tassa bahavo, ekanāmā ti me sutaṁ, [70]<br />

he also has a great many sons, all <strong>of</strong> one name, so I have heard,<br />

asītiṁ dasa eko ca, Indanāmā mahabbalā,<br />

they are eighty and ten and one, Inda by name, ones <strong>of</strong> great strength,<br />

te cāpi Buddhaṁ disvāna, Buddhaṁ ādiccabandhunaṁ, [71]<br />

they, having seen the Awakened One, the Buddha, kinsman <strong>of</strong> the sun,<br />

dūrato 1 va namassanti, mahantaṁ vītasāradaṁ:<br />

from afar, do reverence him, who is great and fully mature:<br />

“Namo te purisājañña! Namo te purisuttama! [72]<br />

“Reverence to you, excellent one! Reverence to you, supreme one!<br />

Kusalena samekkhasi, amanussā pi taṁ vandanti,<br />

You have looked on us with goodness, the non-human beings worship you,<br />

sutaṁ netaṁ abhiṇhaso, tasmā evaṁ vademase: [73]<br />

we have heard this repeatedly, therefore we should speak like this:<br />

“Jinaṁ vandatha Gotamaṁ, Jinaṁ vandāma Gotamaṁ,<br />

“You should worship the victor Gotama, we should worship the victor Gotama,<br />

vijjācaraṇasampannaṁ, Buddhaṁ vandāma Gotamaṁ!”” [74]<br />

who has understanding and good conduct, we should worship the Buddha Gotama!””<br />

1 PPV2: durato

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