Safeguard Recitals (a book of protection chants)

A Pāli and English line by line (interlinear) version of this major collection of chanting texts from the Theravāda tradition.

A Pāli and English line by line (interlinear) version of this major collection of chanting texts from the Theravāda tradition.


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The Second Recital - 78<br />

Paccekabuddhā bhavanettikhīṇā. Hiṅgū ca Hiṅgo ca mahānubhāvā, [3]<br />

Independent Buddhas who have ended what leads to rebirth. Hiṅgu and Hiṅga, ones <strong>of</strong> great<br />

power,<br />

dve Jālino munino, Aṭṭhako ca, atha Kosalo Buddho, atho Subāhu,<br />

the two Jālinas who were sages, and Aṭṭhaka, also Kosala the Buddha, and then Subāhu,<br />

Upanemiso, Nemiso, Santacitto, Sacco, Tatho, Virajo, Paṇḍito ca, [4]<br />

Upanemisa, Nemisa, Santacitta, Sacca, Tatha, Viraja, and Paṇḍita,<br />

Kāl’ Ūpakālā, Vijito, Jito ca, Aṅgo ca Paṅgo ca Gutijjito ca,<br />

Kāla and Upakāla, Vijita, and Jita, Aṅga and Paṅga and Gutijjita,<br />

Passī jahī upadhiṁ dukkhamūlaṁ, Aparājito Mārabalaṁ ajesi, [5]<br />

Passī, who left <strong>of</strong>f cleaving, the root <strong>of</strong> suffering, Aparājita, who defeated the strength <strong>of</strong> Māra,<br />

Satthā, Pavattā, Sarabhaṅgo, Lomahaṁso, Uccaṅgamāyo, Asito, Anāsavo,<br />

Satthā, Pavattā, Sarabhaṅga, Lomahaṁsa, Uccaṅgamāya, Asita, Anāsava,<br />

Manomayo, mānacchido ca Bandhumā, Tadādhimutto, Vimalo ca Ketumā, [6]<br />

Manomaya, Bandhumā the conceit-cutter, Tadādhimutta, Vimala, and Ketumā,<br />

Ketumbarāgo ca Mātaṅgo, Ariyo, ath’ Accuto, Accutagāmabyāmako,<br />

Ketumbarāga, and Mātaṅga, Ariya, also Accuta, Accutagāmabyāmaka,<br />

Sumaṅgalo, Dabbilo, Suppatiṭṭhito, Asayho, Khemābato ca Sorato, [7]<br />

Sumaṅgala, Dabbila, Suppatiṭṭhita, Asayha, Khemābata and Sorata,<br />

Dūrannayo, Saṅgho atho pi Uccayo, aparo munī Sayho anomanikkamo,<br />

Dūrannaya, Saṅgha and also Uccaya, another sage Sayha, who had great fervour,<br />

ĀnandaNando, Upanando dvādasa, Bhāradvājo antimadehadhārī, [8]<br />

the twelve named Ānanda, Nanda, and Upananda (i.e. 4 to each name), Bhāradvāja, one who<br />

bore his last body,<br />

Bodhī, Mahānāmo atho pi Uttaro, Kesī, Sikhī, Sundaro, Bhāradvājo,<br />

Bodhī, Mahānāma, and also Uttara, Kesī, Sikhī, Sundara, Bhāradvāja,<br />

Tiss’ Ūpatissā 1 bhavabandhanacchidā, Upasīdarī, taṇhacchido ca Sīdarī, [9]<br />

Tissa and Upatissa, who cut the bonds <strong>of</strong> rebirth, Upasīdarī, and Sīdarī, who cut <strong>of</strong>f craving,<br />

Buddho ahū Maṅgalo vītarāgo, Usabhacchidā jāliniṁ 2 dukkhamūlaṁ,<br />

the passionless Buddha called Maṅgala, Usabha, who cut <strong>of</strong>f the net, the root <strong>of</strong> suffering,<br />

santaṁ padaṁ ajjhagam-Ūpanīto, 3 Uposatho, Sundaro, Saccanāmo, [10]<br />

Upanīta, who attained the state <strong>of</strong> peace, Uposatha, Sundara, Saccanāma,<br />

Jeto, Jayanto, Padumo, Uppalo ca, Padumuttaro, Rakkhito, Pabbato ca,<br />

Jeta, Jayanta, Paduma, and Uppala, Padumuttara, Rakkhita, and Pabbata,<br />

Mānatthaddho, Sobhito, Vītarāgo, Kaṇho ca Buddho suvimuttacitto - [11]<br />

Mānatthaddha, Sobhita, Vītarāga, the Buddha Kaṇha, whose mind was completely free -<br />

1 PPV2: Upatissā, probably a printer’s error.<br />

2 MPP: jālinī<br />

3 MPP, PPV: ajjhagaṁ Ūpanīto

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