Safeguard Recitals (a book of protection chants)

A Pāli and English line by line (interlinear) version of this major collection of chanting texts from the Theravāda tradition.

A Pāli and English line by line (interlinear) version of this major collection of chanting texts from the Theravāda tradition.


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The Second Recital - 77<br />

Piṇḍolo nāma bhikkhave Paccekasambuddho,<br />

One Independent Sambuddha named Piṇḍola, monks,<br />

imasmiṁ Isigilismiṁ pabbate ciranivāsī ahosi.<br />

was settled for a long time on this mountain Isigili.<br />

Upāsabho nāma bhikkhave Paccekasambuddho,<br />

One Independent Sambuddha named Upāsabha, monks,<br />

imasmiṁ Isigilismiṁ pabbate ciranivāsī ahosi.<br />

was settled for a long time on this mountain Isigili.<br />

Nīto nāma bhikkhave Paccekasambuddho,<br />

One Independent Sambuddha named Nīta, monks,<br />

imasmiṁ Isigilismiṁ pabbate ciranivāsī ahosi.<br />

was settled for a long time on this mountain Isigili.<br />

Tatho nāma bhikkhave Paccekasambuddho,<br />

One Independent Sambuddha named Tatha, monks,<br />

imasmiṁ Isigilismiṁ pabbate ciranivāsī ahosi.<br />

was settled for a long time on this mountain Isigili.<br />

Sutavā nāma bhikkhave Paccekasambuddho,<br />

One Independent Sambuddha named Sutavā, monks,<br />

imasmiṁ Isigilismiṁ pabbate ciranivāsī ahosi.<br />

was settled for a long time on this mountain Isigili.<br />

Bhāvitatto nāma bhikkhave Paccekasambuddho,<br />

One Independent Sambuddha named Bhāvitatta, monks,<br />

imasmiṁ Isigilismiṁ pabbate ciranivāsī ahosi.<br />

was settled for a long time on this mountain Isigili.<br />

Ye sattasārā anīghā 1 nirāsā, paccekam-evajjhagamuṁ Subodhiṁ.<br />

Those excellent beings, not troubled, not yearning, individually have attained True Awakening.<br />

Tesaṁ visallānaṁ naruttamānaṁ, nāmāni me kittayato suṇātha: [1]<br />

Of those dart-removers, supreme-among-men, please listen as I proclaim their names:<br />

Ariṭṭho, Upariṭṭho, Tagarasikhī, Yasassī, Sudassano, Piyadassī ca Buddho,<br />

Ariṭṭha, Upariṭṭha, Tagarasikhī, Yasassī, Sudassana, Piyadassī the Buddha,<br />

Gandhāro, Piṇḍolo, Upāsabho ca, Nīto, Tatho, Sutavā, Bhāvitatto, [2]<br />

Gandhāra, Piṇḍola, and Upāsabha, Nīta, Tatha, Sutavā, Bhāvitatta,<br />

Sumbho, Subho, Methulo, Aṭṭhamo ca, athassu Megho, Anīgho, 2 Sudāṭho,<br />

Sumbha, Subha, Methula, and Aṭṭhama, also there are Megha, Anīgha, Sudāṭha,<br />

1 PPV2: anighā<br />

2 CBhp: Anigho

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