Safeguard Recitals (a book of protection chants)

A Pāli and English line by line (interlinear) version of this major collection of chanting texts from the Theravāda tradition.

A Pāli and English line by line (interlinear) version of this major collection of chanting texts from the Theravāda tradition.


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The Fourth Recital - 173<br />

Sātāgiro, Hemavato, Puṇṇako, Karatiyo, Guḷo, [102]<br />

Sātāgira, Hemavata, Puṇṇaka, Karatiya, Guḷa,<br />

Sīvako, Mucalindo ca, Vessāmitto, Yugandharo,<br />

Sīvaka, and Mucalinda, Vessāmitta, Yugandhara,<br />

Gopālo, 1 Suppagedho ca, Hiri Nettī ca Mandiyo, [103]<br />

Gopāla, and Suppagedha, Hiri, Netti, and Mandiya,<br />

Pañcālacaṇḍo Ālavako Pajjuno Sumano Sumukho Dadhīmukho, 2<br />

Pañcālacaṇḍa, Ālavaka, Pajjuna, Sumana, Sumukha, Dadhīmukha,<br />

Maṇi, Māṇi, Caro, Dīgho, atho Serissako saha - [104]<br />

Maṇi, Māṇi, Cara, Dīgha, together with Serissaka -<br />

imesaṁ yakkhānaṁ mahāyakkhānaṁ senāpatīnaṁ mahāsenāpatīnaṁ,<br />

then to these yakkhas, great yakkhas, generals, and great generals,<br />

ujjhāpetabbaṁ, vikkanditabbaṁ, viravitabbaṁ:<br />

one should call out, one should shout out, one should cry out:<br />

“Ayaṁ yakkho gaṇhāti, ayaṁ yakkho āvisati,<br />

“This yakkha has seized me, this yakkha has grabbed me,<br />

ayaṁ yakkho heṭheti, ayaṁ yakkho viheṭheti,<br />

this yakkha annoys me, this yakkha harasses me,<br />

ayaṁ yakkho hiṁsati, ayaṁ yakkho vihiṁsati,<br />

this yakkha hurts me, this yakkha injures me,<br />

ayaṁ yakkho na muñcatī” ti.<br />

this yakkha will not release me.”<br />

Ayaṁ kho sā mārisa “Āṭānāṭiyā” rakkhā,<br />

This, dear Sir, is the “Āṭānāṭiyā” <strong>protection</strong>,<br />

bhikkhūnaṁ, bhikkhuṇīnaṁ, upāsakānaṁ, upāsikānaṁ,<br />

for the monks’, nuns’, laymen’s, and laywomen’s<br />

guttiyā, rakkhāya, avihiṁsāya, phāsuvihārāyā ti.<br />

guard, <strong>protection</strong>, freedom from harm, and comfortable living.<br />

Handa ca dāni mayaṁ mārisa gacchāma,<br />

And now, dear Sir, we shall go,<br />

bahukiccā mayaṁ bahukaraṇīyā” ti.<br />

as we have many duties, and there is much which ought to be done.”<br />

“Yassa dāni tumhe Mahārājāno kālaṁ maññathā” ti.<br />

“Now is the time for whatever you Great Kings are thinking.”<br />

1 CBhp: Gopalo<br />

2 MPP, PPV2: Dadhimukho, but cf above vs. 52

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