Safeguard Recitals (a book of protection chants)

A Pāli and English line by line (interlinear) version of this major collection of chanting texts from the Theravāda tradition.

A Pāli and English line by line (interlinear) version of this major collection of chanting texts from the Theravāda tradition.


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The Third Recital - 146<br />

The Seven Buddhas<br />

“Vipassissa namatthu, Cakkhumantassa sirīmato,<br />

“May you revere Vipassī, the glorious Visionary,<br />

Sikhissa pi namatthu, sabbabhūtānukampino, [1]<br />

may you revere Sikhī, who has pity on all beings,<br />

Vessabhussa namatthu, nahātakassa tapassino,<br />

may you revere Vessabhū, the austere one, cleansed (<strong>of</strong> corruptions),<br />

namatthu Kakusandhassa, Mārasenāpamaddino, [2]<br />

may you revere Kakusandha, who has crushed Māra’s army,<br />

Koṇāgamanassa namatthu, brāhmaṇassa vusīmato,<br />

may you revere Koṇāgamana, the accomplished brahmin,<br />

Kassapassa namatthu, vippamuttassa sabbadhi. [3]<br />

may you revere Kassapa, who is free in every respect.<br />

Aṅgīrasassa namatthu, Sakyaputtassa sirīmato,<br />

May you revere Aṅgīrasa, the glorious son <strong>of</strong> the Sakyans,<br />

yo imaṁ Dhammam-adesesi, sabbadukkhā panūdanaṁ. [4]<br />

he who preached this Dhamma, which is the dispelling <strong>of</strong> all suffering.<br />

Ye cāpi nibbutā loke, yathābhūtaṁ vipassisuṁ,<br />

Those who are emancipated in the world, who have insight (into things) as they are,<br />

te janā apisuṇā, 1 mahantā vītasāradā, [5]<br />

those people free from malicious speech, who are great and fully mature,<br />

hitaṁ devamanussānaṁ, yaṁ namassanti Gotamaṁ,<br />

they will revere that Gotama, who is <strong>of</strong> benefit to gods and men,<br />

vijjācaraṇasampannaṁ, mahantaṁ vītasāradaṁ. [6]<br />

who has understanding and good conduct, who is great and fully mature.<br />

The East<br />

Yato uggacchatī 2 suriyo, Ādicco maṇḍalī mahā,<br />

From where the sun comes up, the son <strong>of</strong> Aditi, the great circle,<br />

yassa cuggacchamānassa, saṁvarī pi nirujjhati, [7]<br />

while that one is coming up, the darkness <strong>of</strong> night comes to an end,<br />

yassa cuggate suriye, divaso ti pavuccati,<br />

and after the sun has come up, it is said to be the daytime,<br />

rahado pi tattha gambhīro, samuddo saritodako, [8]<br />

there is a deep lake in that place, an ocean where the waters have flowed,<br />

1 CBhp: apisuṇātha<br />

2 CBhp: uggacchati

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