Safeguard Recitals (a book of protection chants)

A Pāli and English line by line (interlinear) version of this major collection of chanting texts from the Theravāda tradition.

A Pāli and English line by line (interlinear) version of this major collection of chanting texts from the Theravāda tradition.


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The First Recital - 41<br />

12. Mittānisaṁsaṁ 1<br />

The Advantages <strong>of</strong> Friendship<br />

Introductory Verse<br />

Pūrento Bodhisambhāre Nātho Temiyajātiyaṁ<br />

While fulfilling the conditions for Awakening the Lord, in his birth as Temiya,<br />

mittānisaṁsaṁ yaṁ āha Sunandaṁ nāma sārathiṁ.<br />

spoke on the advantages <strong>of</strong> friendship to his charioteer named Sunanda.<br />

Sabbalokahitatthāya parittaṁ taṁ bhaṇāmahe.<br />

For the whole world’s welfare and benefit we will recite that safeguard.<br />

The <strong>Safeguard</strong><br />

Pahūtabhakkho bhavati vippavuttho sakā gharā,<br />

He has an abundance <strong>of</strong> food (even) when away from his home,<br />

bahū naṁ upajīvanti, yo mittānaṁ na dūbhati. [1]<br />

many live depending on him, he who does no wrong to his friends.<br />

Yaṁ yaṁ janapadaṁ yāti, nigame rājadhāniyo,<br />

Whatever country he goes to, in a town or a king’s capital,<br />

sabbattha pūjito hoti, yo mittānaṁ na dūbhati. [2]<br />

everywhere (he goes) he is honoured, he who does no wrong to his friends.<br />

Nāssa corā pasahanti, nātimaññeti khattiyo,<br />

Thieves do not overpower him, nobles do not despise him,<br />

sabbe amitte tarati, yo mittānaṁ na dūbhati. [3]<br />

he overcomes all enemies, he who does no wrong to his friends.<br />

Akkuddho sagharaṁ eti, sabhāya paṭinandito,<br />

without anger he comes to his home, he is welcome in public halls,<br />

ñātīnaṁ uttamo hoti, yo mittānaṁ na dūbhati. [4]<br />

he is the best <strong>of</strong> relatives, he who does no wrong to his friends.<br />

Sakkatvā sakkato hoti, garu hoti sagāravo,<br />

After greeting, he is greeted, respectable, he is respected,<br />

vaṇṇakittibhato hoti, yo mittānaṁ na dūbhati. [5]<br />

he enjoys splendour and renown, he who does no wrong to his friends.<br />

Pūjako labhate pūjaṁ, vandako paṭivandanaṁ,<br />

Honourable, he receives honour, worshipful, he is worshipped,<br />

yaso kittiñ-ca pappoti, yo mittānaṁ na dūbhati. [6]<br />

he acquires repute and renown, he who does no wrong to his friends.<br />

1 CBhp: Mettānisaṁsaṁ; PPV: Mittānisaṁsasuttaṁ

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