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27 . Kneel on the ball ofyour left foot behind your

seated opponent. Your right knee should be just

outside his right side. Put your right arm around

his neck and bring the inside ofyour mid-forearm

or the thumb side of your wrist up against it. Clasp

your hands, left palm up, near his 1eft shoulder. Put

the right side olyour head against the left side of

his, and press his head toward your right arm. At

the same time, pull him offbalance to his back and

pull hard against his windpipe with your right arm.

28. Illustrated here is a variation of hadaka-jime.

Put your lelt arm around your opponent's throat

and lay it in the crook of your right arm. Push his

head forward with your right hand while pulling

him back with your left arm.


Naked Lock

This technique is applied from behind, and you do not hold your opponent's

judogi. Kneeling on your left knee, you put your right inner arm

against the front of his neck, clasp your hands above his left shoulder, and

apply the pressure from the combined action of the arms to his throat.

Hadaka-jime can also be applied to an opponent who is standing or lying

on the mat.


Grabbing the outside of your opponent's right sleeve at the shoulder with

both hands, pull down hard, lean backward, and try to slip your head free.

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