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114. Stand on the left this time, about 90 centimeters

from your partner.

I 15. Reach lorward with both hands and bring his

lapels together, then grip them with your right

hand, the index finger inserted between the lapels

and bent inward at the secondjoint. Your partner

steps forward with his lelt loot and takes the bottom

of your right middle sleeve in his left hand.

1 1 6. Step back with your right foot. He then steps

lorward with his right foot, puts his right arm

around your waist, and tries to throw you with a

right hip throw.

117. When he brings his body close to you, step

back with your left foot, turn to your left, and grab

his right arm with your left hand.

118. Drop to your left knee and pull him down to

his right back corner with both hands.

119. He sits up after his fall and you kneel.


Waterfall Drop











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120. Stand on the right and, as in the previous

technique, grab your partner's lape1s with your

right hand, the index finger inside.

121. He steps lorward with his left loot and grabs

your right middle sleeve from underneath with his

left hand.

122. Step back with your right foot.

123. He steps forward with his right floot, puts his

right arm around your shoulder, and tries to exe-

cute a right hip throw.

124. Put your left hand on his waist and break his

balance to the rear with your right hand, which is

still holding his lapels.

125. He resists by leaning forward. Break his balance

to the lront as in yume-no-uchi and throw

yourself backward.

126-28. He rolls and stands, while you lie spreadeagled

lor a few seconds.

232 rosuxr No KATA

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