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Arm Armlock


80. Move forward, pick up your partner's right

arm with both hands and 1ay it on the mat to your

right. Continue moving forward as if to attack him.

81. He reaches across with his left arm and tries to

grab your right lapel. Lower your body and trap his

left wrist between your neck and right shoulder.

82. Put the palm ol your right hand on his left

elbow and lay your lelt hand over your right. Press

your right shin against his lower ribs while controlling

the arm.


83. Twist to your left and put pressure against the


Your partner tries to escape by pulling his left

arm free. Unable to escape, he signals defeat.

84. Release his arm and return to the near position,

then to the far position.

85. From there move to the lar position above

your partner's head. At the same time, your partner

sits up, turns, and faces you in the high kneeling



Entangled Leglock

95. You and your partner stand, approach each

other, and engage in the basic hold.

96. Break your partner's balance to the ftont with

both hands, put your left foot in between his legs,

lall backward, and place the sole ofyour right foot

on his left lower abdomen, as if to periirm tomoenage.

97. Your partner blocks the throw by stepping forward

with his right foot, then tries to lift you up.

98. Shift your hips to the right, push on the inside

ol his left knee with your right foot, and pull him

forward. Hook your left leg over his right and

wedge your left foot against his right lower abdomen,

then twist your hips to the right.

99. Straighten your left leg and pull with both

hands to apply the lock.

Your partner attempts to escape by twisting to

the left, then surrenders.

100. Release his arm. You both then sit up and face

each other in the high kneeling posture.


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