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3. Kneel to the right of the patient and support his

upper body with your left arm around his shoulder.

4. Put the palm of your right hand on his abdomen,

just above the navel, and press up against the

solar plexus or pit olthe stomach. This will cause

the diaphragm to rise, expelling air lrom the lungs.

5. Reinforce the action by bending his upper body

forward with your left arm.

6. Gently release your pressure to allow air to enter

the lungs. Repeat this procedure until respiration is


Ilyou want to administer medication, first open

the patient's jaw with your right hand while holding

your left hand on his forehead, and have

someone else put it in his mouth. Then close his

mouth, hold it shut with your left hand, and apply


Before applying any of the resuscitation techniques, it is important to

make sure that nothing obstructs the passage of air into the victim's lungsfor

instance, food, water, the tongue, or some other object. Food or other

objects can be removed with the fingers. Have someone hold the tongue for

you if necessary, or tie a rubber band around it and loop the end around his

chin. If you have a safety pin, you can pin his tongue to his judogi.

In the case of a drowning victim, you should hrst drain the water from his

lungs by laying him face down, his head lower than his feet, and press

against his lower back. Then roll him over and apply the fnst so-katsu.

Ideally, a cylinder of some kind is rolled over the abdomen and chest. The

victim should be kept as warm as possible.

A person knocked unconscious by a throw should be put to bed at once,

with his feet elevated, and be kept warm. Avoid giving him medication, and

send for a doctor at once.


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