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Two-Hand Upward


38. Clench your fists and raise them

to your chest, palms inward.

39. Look up and punch straight up

with both hands at once.

Repeat the exercise several times.



S ay u -kogo - s hit a -t s uki

Left-Right Downward Blows

40. 41.

40-41. Go through the same motions as in the previous

exercise, butjump up or rise on your tiptoes as you punch.


Two-Hand Downward Blow

42. Bring your right fist up to your armpit as though

lifting a bag.

43. Bend to your right and punch down while drawing

your left fist up into your left armpit. Keep your eyes

on your right fist. The back olyour right hand should

face to your right.

Repeat the movements to your left. Do several sets,

then lower your arrns.


Front-Side Upward Cut

46. Bring your right hand up to your left shoulder,

palm down, thumb and frngers straight and held together.

47. With the knife edge of your right hand, strike the

right temple of an opponent standing to your right

front corner who is taller then you. Fix your eyes on

the hand.

Lower your right hand and go through the movements

with your left hand. Do several sets, then take

the natural posture.

Note: With this and the next technique, take special

care to put snap into your strike.

44. Raise both fists to your armpits.

45. Raise your heels, bend your knees, and punch

directly downward with both fists at the same time.

Stand and repeat the exercise several times, then

return to the natural posture.

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