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rg. Seiryoku Zen'yo Kokumin


As discussed in chapter 2, a system of physical education ideally possesses

three characteristics: it promotes the development of strong, healthy minds

and bodies, is interesting, and is useful. Not only does Seiryoku Zen'yo

Kokumin Taiiku meet all three requirements admirably, it goes well beyond

being merely gymnastics or simply a martial art.

This kata consists of two groups of exercises. One is practiced alone, the

other with a partner. A1l but one of the exercises have direct applications in


Being able to perform martial arts techniques requires good muscular

development. It is well to remember that physical well being does not appear

as if by magic after a week or a month of training. We know from experience

that beginning students listen attentively to fundamental instructions,

hoping to progress quickly to advanced combat forms. This is a mistake.

The foundation must be laid first and the superstructure built by degrees.

There is even danger in undertaking advanced training before the preliminaries

have been mastered. For those who take the steps in sequence and

train properly, the rewards are perfect physical development and proficiency

in techniques.

Maximum-Efficiency National Physical Education has been designed to

appeal to the public of all ages. Practicing the movements is an ideal way to

warm up before doing randori or practicing kata and to warm down after

practice. By doing so regularly, one strengthens muscles, providing more

power to apply to judo techniques and greatly reducing the risk of injury

during randori. For this reason, I have long recommended the kata, particularly

to beginners, to women and to children under fifteen. Like mastering

falls, it is a fundamental part of judo training, which no beginning judoka

can afford to overlook.

In the Individual Exercises, there are strikes directed against an imaginary

assailant. This is a unique kind of training because the muscles have to

both execute the strike and stop it, there being no actual target. Sufficient

practice will produce muscles that react swiftly and are graceful to look at,

like the musculature seen in ancient Greek athletes. Interestingly, they contrasted

with the later Roman athletes, whose muscles tended to be round

and chunky.


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