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19. 20.

19. Your partner grabs your right lapel with his

right hand, steps back with his left foot, and tries to

pull you down.

20. Step forward with your right foot and deliver

an uppercut with your right fist.

21. Grab his right wrist from the top with your left


hand and press it hrmly against your chest.

22. Step back with your left foot and turn your

body slightly to the left.

23. Grab his right wrist with your right hand, fingers

on the inside, and pull him lorward until he


Single-Hand Hold

24. Your partner approaches you from your right

rear, grabs your right wrist with his right hand and

your right elbow with his left, and pushes you


25. Step lorward with your left foot to keep your


26. Turn and kick the left side ofhis left knee with

the sole of your right foot.

27. Put your right foot back down, step forward

with your left, then withdraw your right.

28. Turn slightly to your right, grab his wrist from

underneath, and hold it against your chest.

29. Twist to your right, clamp your left arm ovet

his right arm, and press down on his elbow with

your left armpit.

194 roooreN GoSHIN JUTSU

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