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measured. Even if some people continued to maintain that humans also had either a soul or a<br />

spirit, the influence of these was excluded from the areas investigated by natural science. In<br />

place of Dualism, natural scientists generally adopted Monistic Materialism, according to which<br />

deterministic and mechanical nature was the only reality. As a result of this alteration in worldview,<br />

people’s conception of the meaning of life and the possibilities it offered became<br />

increasingly secular. As nature was no longer viewed as a live vessel of the spirit, a source of<br />

mystery and revelation, romantics such as Pope, Blake and Coleridge viewed Newton’s<br />

Principia and his Opticks as diminishing the value of humanity. 285<br />

The Englishman Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679), who travelled the continent of Europe in his<br />

youth was fascinated by the new conquests of natural science. He made the “matter-in-motion”<br />

the basis of his natural philosophy believing that also psychic phenomena were the result of<br />

deterministic external influences. For example, the experience of colour was identical with<br />

events taking place in the central nervous system, and the whole of psychology could be be<br />

embedded within physiology, which in for its part was just a branch of general kinematics. 286<br />

Hobbes is thought of as the classical Materialist whose extreme thinking affected the paths taken<br />

by subsequent philosophers. From Materialist point of view, there was no justification for human<br />

responsibility, free will or the division between people and animals pointed out by Aristotle and<br />

Descartes.<br />

In common with Epicurus in his time, Materialists have believed that in the last resort, thoughts<br />

and knowledge should be described as the causal interaction of material particles: a structure<br />

made up of specific materialistic elements should produce both the activity of mind and<br />

subjective experiences. While a requirement of Epicurus’ conception of free will was that atoms<br />

could, now and then, deviate from the direction in which they were travelling, Newton’s<br />

deterministic laws of motion prohibited such exceptions. In Materialism, the traditional idea of<br />

nature as a self-regulating system was in a way united to the new mechanical conception of<br />

nature, in which events could be explained only in terms of physical bodies and the forces<br />

between them. Within the mechanistic-deterministic framework, Materialistic Monism can be<br />

viewed as an almost hopeless attempt to connect people with nature.<br />

284 Aspelin 1995, 473-476, 504. All humanists did not approve of the scientific method. For example, the German<br />

philosopher Wilhelm Windelband (1848-1915) did not equate the scientific method with the methods used in the<br />

natural sciences. While natural science was based on generalisations, the purpose in history was to understand<br />

unique and individual phenomena. These thoughts were further developed by Heinrich Rickert and Wilhelm<br />

Dilthey. Aspelin 1995, 532-537.<br />

285 White 1998, 291. Dijksterhuis1986, 431. Tarnas 1991, 367.<br />


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