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Socio-biology or Evolutionary psychology can be seen as continuations of this materialistic<br />

trend. Humans are viewed as complicated automata in a world which has no place for real<br />

freedom.<br />

Even though some of our brain activity can be modelled using computers, the analogy which<br />

portrays humans as passive machines is only considered a suitable one by a minority. We<br />

conceive ourselves as active agents, something that classical physics’ conception of the world<br />

does not recognize. The great system-building philosophers of the modern age such as Leibnitz,<br />

Spinoza and Kant saw that conscious, willing and knowing humans could not be reduced to<br />

matter, even though they cannot be fully separated from it. In humanist circles, it has always<br />

been emphasised that the theories of classical physics are unable to directly model even the<br />

biology of living beings, let alone explanation of the nature or development of mental states or<br />

social constructions. The mechanistic-deterministic frame of reference can be viewed as<br />

basically deficient in its understanding of these phenomena. This does not however mean that<br />

humans and the activities they engage in cannot be approached by using scientific tools within a<br />

more-extensive framework.<br />

In western philosophy, doctrines in which humans are allocated the position of being a<br />

fundamental part of reality have, in the last century, been presented by Marxists and Pragmatists.<br />

Quantum mechanics has not had a great influence on the formation of these doctrines, even<br />

though, for example, when giving the Gifford Lecture in 1929, John Dewey offered the opinion<br />

that Werner Heisenberg had liberated us from the limits that clockwork-like reality established in<br />

the 1600s when the Cartesian division between nature and humanity, matter and mind, was<br />

established. 806 Also Karl Popper, who in addition to physical and organic worlds attempted to<br />

outline the development of a world of social and cultural entities. Popper’s thinking illuminates<br />

the fact that paying attention to the influence of humans does not require the abandonment of<br />

either Realism or the idea of nature’s objective lawfulness. The indeterministic conformity to<br />

laws in quantum mechanics allows allows humans a place as part of reality. 807<br />

From both a detailed and more natural-scientific point of view, the portrayal of humanity as<br />

located within reality has been attempted by Michale Polanyi and Ragnar Granit. In his Personal<br />

Knowledge, Michael Polanyi rejected the ideal of scientific detachment. He considers that while<br />

this false ideal may perhaps be harmless in the exact sciences, it exercises a destructive influence<br />

806 Toulmin 278-280. Dewey also criticised modern philosophy’s search for certainty.<br />


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