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It simply states that creative work cannot be replaced by some mechanical, in the sense of<br />

algorithmic, technique, procedure or system that is described beforehand. 751 The classical image<br />

of mathematics has also changed as a result of the advent of computers. These machines are now<br />

commonly used in the study of non-linear and chaotic processes There are propositions and<br />

computer proofs that can no longer be surveyed by a single human being because they are too<br />

complex and their content has too many ramifications. The personal relationship between man<br />

and mathematics appears to be at stake: computer experiments are moving from the context of<br />

discovery to the context of justification. Imre Lakatos has called present-day mathematics a<br />

”quasi-empirical” science. 752<br />

It has been said that even though few will admit it, most mathematicians and scientists view their<br />

theorems and laws in Platonic terms. 753 For example, the well-known physicist Richard Feynman<br />

considered, in accordance with Pythagorean traditions, that physical laws which observed<br />

mathematical principles represented rhythms and forms in nature which cannot be observed by<br />

the human eye. 754 He noted that all the laws of physics appear to follow great general principles;<br />

examples of which are principles of conservation, certain qualities of symmetry, the general form<br />

of quantum mechanical principles and the fact that all laws are mathematical. 755<br />

Is reality reversible or irreversible?<br />

The relationship between change and eternity was already a subject of debate among the pre-<br />

Socratics. They attempted to reduce the observed movement, change and multiplicity in the<br />

world to some unchanging basis. Modern natural science has espoused the antique Atomists’<br />

concept of unchanging particles and has developed mathematical theories which are assumed to<br />

be founded on nature's eternal unchanging conformity to laws. Classical mechanics, the theory of<br />

relativity and quantum mechanics are, by their nature, reversible theories which handle time as a<br />

750<br />

Gödels incompleteness theorem states that in any consistent and sufficiently powerful axiomatic system,<br />

propositions can be formulated which are true but undecidable. The simplest formulation of the Turing theorem is<br />

perhaps the following: there is no algorithm to decide whether the generic Turing machine will halt or not halt on a<br />

generic input. Cacade 1997, 32.<br />

751<br />

Cacace 1997, 27, 32, Suarez 1997, 45.<br />

752<br />

Reichel 1997, 7-8, 11.<br />

753<br />

Stenger 1995, 7.<br />

754<br />

There is also rhythm and pattern between the phenomena of nature which is not apparent to the eye, but only to<br />

analysis: it is these rhythms and patterns which we call Physical Laws. Feynman 1992, 13.<br />


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