The wars of Alexander: an alliterative romance translated chiefly ...

The wars of Alexander: an alliterative romance translated chiefly ...

The wars of Alexander: an alliterative romance translated chiefly ...


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Dublin.] THE JEWS receive <strong>Alex<strong>an</strong>der</strong> with honour. 83<br />

)3at it be bonest aH ou^r & opyn vp • J)e 3atc'S. 1496<br />

Lett J)en ))i peple euerilke polle • aparaeld ^ be clene,<br />

And aH m<strong>an</strong>er <strong>of</strong> men • in niilke-wbitte clatbez.<br />

Bott passe, ))6»n & J<br />

i pristez • &<br />

prelatez <strong>of</strong> |)e temple,<br />

Reuest aH on raAve • as your rewle askez. 1500<br />

And wben Jjis conquero^ir coniez • carez bym agayns<br />

For be must ryJe & reyiie • oner aH pe brede <strong>of</strong> pe werldn,<br />

And be LonV <strong>of</strong> ilke lede • vnto hys last dayes,<br />

And fen be digbt AMito [edetli • <strong>of</strong> drigbtenez ayre." 1504<br />

Sone \)e dyrke ouer-drafe & * jje day springez,<br />

Oure Bisbop bownes bym <strong>of</strong> bede & buskes hys wedes,<br />

•<br />

And fen fat lew <strong>of</strong> all lewes in generaH be clepys,<br />

•<br />

Says jjaim bys vision & as • fe voyce biddes 1508<br />

Th<strong>an</strong> councellys hym fe Clerge • clene aH-to-geder,<br />

And all fe cety be assent sariauntez & • other,<br />

To bowne bym forth with aH fe burgh & buske hym<br />

*<br />

beliue.<br />

[FoI. u]<br />

As hym was sayd in hys slepe • fis souer<strong>an</strong>d to njete.<br />

Th<strong>an</strong> rynnes forth in a rese • arayes aH fe cyte, 1513<br />

Spredes oner with bawilkens aH • fe brode strete^,<br />

"With riche clotbez <strong>of</strong> taffata qwer he trede suld,<br />

•<br />

For fe erth to siclie <strong>an</strong>e emperour • wer aH to feble. 1516<br />

He plyes oner fe payment • paUen webbes,<br />

Makez on bight ouer f e heued • for bet ^ <strong>of</strong> fe son,<br />

Silours <strong>of</strong> sendale • to syle ouer fe gatez, 1519<br />

And sampnez faime on a\>er [side] • with sylkyn rapez.<br />

And f<strong>an</strong> he cachez vp on cordez • als curtaynez it were,<br />

Euen als f<br />

e esyng^s 3ode ouer be • f e costez,<br />

AH fe wallez wi't/iowte * in webbez <strong>of</strong> Inde,<br />

Of bright blysn<strong>an</strong>d blew browden wt^ • sternes. 1524-<br />

Thus attyred he f is tonne & • titely far-after<br />

Of ilke way wide hopyn warpyd he • f<br />

e ^atez<br />

Att who so Avates fro \v/t7iowte & within hedes,<br />

•<br />

It semyd as to se to • on <strong>of</strong> fe seuen heuens. 1528<br />

'<br />

MS. aparaerld ;<br />

see I. 1552.<br />

* <strong>The</strong> t u icritten aboce the line.

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