The wars of Alexander: an alliterative romance translated chiefly ...

The wars of Alexander: an alliterative romance translated chiefly ...

The wars of Alexander: an alliterative romance translated chiefly ...


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;<br />


Sjhuldire, s. shoulder, 5240 ; Scliulder<br />

Sede, 8. seed, 586, 1991, 4268 ;<br />

race,<br />

(Shulder), 1090.<br />

4333 ; Sedis, pi. 3725, 4404.<br />

Schurrys, pi. sheds, 4049. Icel. Seder, s. cedar ; Seder-tables, tables<br />

skurr, a shed.<br />

<strong>of</strong> cedar, 5290. See Sedrisse.<br />

Schut {Shoiyn), pr. pi shoot, 1413. Sedill, adj. (probably) chaste,<br />

Sehynes, pr. s. shines, 3862 modest, gentle, 3937. Formed<br />

(Shynes), 705.<br />

from A.S. sidu, good m<strong>an</strong>ners,<br />

Sckerres, pi. scars, scaurs, rough lit. custom ; cf. aedefull, modest<br />

rocks, 4865. Icel. sker.<br />

(Ormulum) ; Icel. sHugr, wellbred<br />

Sckonfet, pt. 8. discomfited, 4802.<br />

; D<strong>an</strong>. soedelig, modest ; G.<br />

Scott (Shotten), j»^. pi. shot, dashed, sittsam, modest. <strong>The</strong> suffix is<br />

leapt, hurried, 2454.<br />

A.S. -ol, as in wac-ol.<br />

Scoghe, 8. wood, shaw, 3915. Icel. Sedrisse, pi. cedars, 4973. See Seder.<br />

skogr.<br />

See, 8. sea, 26, 61, 411 ; Sees, pi.<br />

Scolaid, pt. s. studied, 645. Chaucer 4406.<br />

has scolei/e, Pro!.<br />

See, V. see, make out, 5605 ;<br />

ger. to<br />

Scole, school, 621, 641, 645; Scolis, attend, 754* ;<br />

Sees (Seys), 2 pr. s.<br />

pi. 4363, 4610.<br />

seest, 3279 ;<br />

Sees, pr. s. sees, 943;<br />

Scolere, scholar, 641.<br />

perceives, 5360; See, pr. pi. 320S;<br />

Scopid, pt. pi. escaped, 3915. Put (Seen), 1253 ; See, pt. s. saw, 657,<br />

for Scapid.<br />

733* ; Seis, imp. pi. 2 p. behold,<br />

Scopulus, a look-out place, 1575. 3878.<br />

See the note.<br />

See-bule, 5. sea-bull, 4098 ;<br />

{read<br />

Score, s. score (twenty), 1372, 4200 See-bulis, pi), 4197; See-bules,<br />

ix score, one hundred <strong>an</strong>d eighty, pi sea-bulls, sea-cows, 3846.<br />

3177.<br />

Seele (Scale), s. seal, 2344 ;<br />

(Sealle),<br />

Scorpions, pi. scorpions, 3865, 4200. 1914.<br />

Scortis, pr. s. {for Schortis), grows Seelis,^/. seals (sea-<strong>an</strong>imals), 5471 ;<br />

short, w<strong>an</strong>es, 3298.<br />

Seeles, 3846.<br />

Secures (Showrez), pi. showers, Seerties, pi varieties, 4654. See<br />

2048.<br />

the note ; <strong>an</strong>d see Sere, adj.<br />

Scriptour (Scripture), writing, 2119 ;<br />

Sect, pt. 8. (for we read he, see<br />

Scripture (Scriptur), text, 1575. note), set, appointed, 4654 ; 2^Pset,<br />

Scutis, pr. pi. project, 4865. Icel.<br />

situate, 533.3.<br />

skiita.<br />

Seete (Sete), s. seat (supply in, as<br />

Se, V. see, 250, 344 ;<br />

(See), 688 ;<br />

Se, in the Dublin MS.), 2995.<br />

ger. 356 ; to look upon, 1528 ; Se Sege, siege, 1029, 1144, 1156,3020;<br />

(See), 1 pr. s. 1998 ; 2 pr. pi.<br />

1802; Se, pr. pi. 1 p. suhj. see,<br />

1846; (Se), ^

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